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Liver / Intestinal

Room: Virtual
Track: N/A


Prof. Carmelo Loinaz, Spain
Biliary sludge and complications in multivisceral transplantation patients

Prof. Carmelo Loinaz, Spain
Influential factors in long-term quality of life after liver transplantation: More than 15 years of experience

Mrs. Blanca Otero Torrón, Spain
Hernia correction after liver transplantation using non-vascularized fascia

Prof. Jinzhen Cai, People's Republic of China
Split left and right liver transplantation plus domino liver transplantation: one donor liver and three recipients at the same time,a complex but feasible allocation scheme to alleviate donor liver shortage

Dr. Nomingerel Tseveldorj, Turkey
TIPS experience in variceal bleeding of patients on the liver transplantation waiting list in our center

Dr. Seyed Ali Moosavi, Iran
Psychosocial factors and immune tolerance in liver transplant recipients: insights from a cohort study

Dr. Kyowon Gu, Korea
Contrast-enhanced ultrasound assessment of arterial-portal arrival interval: Implications for post-transplant portal vein stenosis

Mr. Batsaikhan Batsuuri, Mongolia
Impact factors leading to renal impairment after liver transplantation: a single center consecutive 12 years’ experience

Dr. Serik Turebaevich Tileuov, Kazakhstan
Comparative analysis with or without external biliary drainage of the bile ducts during transplantation of the right lobe of the liver from a living donor

Dr. Fatma Irem Yesiler, Turkey
Cortical ribbon sign in a liver transplant recipient with hepatic encephalopathy

Dr. Fatma Irem Yesiler, Turkey
Effectiveness of therapeutic plasma exchange following early postoperative liver transplantation in critical care unit

Dr. Pinar Zeyneloglu, Turkey
The effects of early postoperative thrombocytopenia at intensive care unit admission to allograft function and outcomes after liver transplantation

Dr. F. Burcu Belen Apak, Turkey
A rare presentation of Posttransplant Lymphoproliferative Disease (PTLD) in a pediatric liver transplantation patient: Plasmablastic lymphoma complicated with hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis

Mrs. Ayana Mussina, Jordan
Minimally invasive correction of biliary complications after liver transplantation from a living related donor.

Dr. Ernesto Duarte Tagles, Mexico
When is the best time to perform bariatric surgery in patients with liver transplantation and obesity? initial experience in a small hospital center

Prof. Geun Hong, Korea
Television dramas as catalysts for organ donation registration: A retrospective analysis during the pandemic era

Dr. Priya Walabh, South Africa
Increased psychosocial risk factors in pediatric liver transplant patients transplanted for fulminant liver failure

Dr. Shohei Yoshiya, Japan
Is preoperative weight reduction of living-donor liver transplant recipients and donors harmful to postoperative outcomes?

Dr. Bolormaa Lkhamsuren, Mongolia
The analgesic efficacy of ultrasound-guided rectus sheath block among living liver donors surgery: A single center experience

Dr. Bat-Ireedui Badarch, Mongolia
Outcomes of liver transplantation: A single-center experience. (First Central Hospital of Mongolia)

Dr. Konstantin Semash, Uzbekistan
Management of arterial complications following living donor liver transplant

Dr. Konstantin Semash, Uzbekistan
Results of first 40 cases of living donor liver transplantation performed in Republic of Uzbekistan

Dr. Konstantin Semash, Uzbekistan
Correction of portal vein stenosis in patients following living donor liver transplantation

Mr. Nafady M Ramy, United Kingdom
Outcomes of living donor liver transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma associated with benign versus malignant portal vein thrombosis.

Dr. Yasuhiro Fujimoto MD, PhD, Japan
Glissonean approach and parenchymal dissection with water jet scalpel for liver transplantation living donor

Odonchimeg Gombosuren, Mongolia
Analysis of the relationship between the MELD Scores and intraoperative LRRBC consumption in LDLT surgery at First Central Hospital of Mongolia

Dr. Adnan Torgay, Turkey
Domino cross auxiliary liver transplantation with whole graft for familial hypercholesterolemia in children

Prof. Sedat Yildirim, Turkey
Living donor liver transplantation in biliary atresia with a portal vein less than two millimeters in diameter

Dr. Mehmet Coskun, Turkey
Accuracy between estimated graft volume and actual graft weight in living donor liver transplant

Dr. Vyacheslav R Salimov, Russian Federation
Vacuum-assisted laparostomy for delayed abdominal closure in pediatric liver transplantation: A case series

Yaprak Sarigöl Ordin, Turkey
Long-term quality of life and adherence status of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma after liver transplantation

Ms. Ya-Tzu Tsao, Taiwan
Association between pre- and post-transplant nutritional indices and skeletal muscle mass with 5-year survival after liver transplantation: a retrospective study

Dr. Jamilya Saparbay, Kazakhstan
New abstract created on Friday April 5, 2024 Biliary complications incidence, risks and outcome after liver transplantation : low volume single center experience

Dr. Shiva Kumar, United Arab Emirates
Collaborative organ sharing in the Middle East: The United Arab Emirates - Kuwait liver transplant experience

Dr. Rozita Khodashahi, Iran
Prevalence and incidence of erythrocytosis in liver transplant recipients

Dr. Mohsen Aliakbarian, Iran
Sonographic evaluation of spleen size, portal vein diameter, and laboratory test values after orthotropic liver transplantation

Dr. Mohsen Aliakbarian, Iran
The effect of different factors on the increase transplantation of organ donation from brain dead donors in Mashhad University of Medical Sciences between 2015 and 2023

Prof. Sedat Yildirim, Turkey
From a little young lady to a grandmother: Thanks to liver transplantation

Dr. Adnan Torgay, Turkey
Long-term outcomes of liver transplantation from elderly donors

Paula Medio Torrubiano, Spain
Outcomes of Pediatric Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Single-Center Experience with Resection vs Transplantation

Dr. Ryoichi Goto, Japan
The indication of liver transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma in post-direct acting antivirals era in Japan

Dr. Anar Ganbold, Mongolia
No difference in recurrent hepatocellular carcinoma rates in liver transplanted patients receiving mTOR inhibitors compared to non-mTOR group

Dr. Mohammad Taher, Iran
Impact of explant pathologic factors on hepatocellular carcinoma recurrence post-liver transplantation: Insights from a retrospective cohort study

Dr. Muhammet Kursat Simsek, Turkey
Outcomes of stent placement for hepatic venous outflow obstruction in liver transplantation

Dr. Muhammet Kursat Simsek, Turkey
Combining Transarterial Chemoembolization with Simultaneous Thermal Ablation for Solitary Hepatocellular Carcinomas in High-Risk Recurrence Areas

Dr. Utpala Uday, India
Tacrolimus-related neurotoxicity in liver transplant – Is it safe to revert to tacrolimus from cyclosporine?

Miss Bricia C Almeida, Brazil
Tenofovir versus entecavir on the prognosis of hepatitis B-related hepatocellular carcinoma after surgical resection: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Fatih Boyvat, Turkey
Management of liver transplant patients with recurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma

Prof. Eleazar Chaib Sr., Brazil
The optimum level of MELD to minimize the mortality on liver transplantation waiting list and liver transplanted patient in Sao Paulo state Brazil

Muneyuki Matsumura, Japan
Optimal coagulation management in liver transplantation by point-of-care analysis using TEG6s in Japan

Dr. Yeon Ho Park, Korea
Evaluating Post-Liver Transplantation Outcomes in Hepatorenal Syndrome: Insights from a Small Volume Center Study

Dr. Kai Wang, People's Republic of China
From ascites to rejection: Further recognizing antibody mediated rejection in pediatric living donor liver transplantation through case reports

Dr. Okjoo Lee, Korea
Assessing the efficacy of donor-derived cell-free DNA measurement in liver transplant recipients for rejection diagnosis and therapeutic response evaluation: A case report

Dr. Ryan G Gemell, South Africa
Plasma cell-rich rejection significantly impacts graft survival in paediatric liver transplantation recipients

Dr. Batsaikhan Bat-Erdene, Mongolia
The role of complement C4 and Alt level for acute rejection after liver transplantation

Miss Ivana Ivanoff Marinoff, Argentina
Donor-recipient lymphocyte turnover kinetics is affected by immunosuppressive treatment in a model of intestinal transplantation acute cellular rejection

Dr. Artem R. Monakhov, Russian Federation
Portal Inflow Modulation in Pediatric Partial Liver Transplantation: Insights from a Prospective Study

Prof. Ho Joong Choi, Korea
Comparison of the safety between modified right lobe graft and extended left lobe graft in small-for-size graft

Prof. Kyeong Sik Kim, Korea
Does tying first during hepatic artery reconstruction help prevent stenosis?

Prof. Ho Joong Choi, Korea
Comparison of pure laparoscopic donor left hepatectomy and pure laparoscopic donor right hepatectomy in the laparoscopic era

Dr. Dong Zhao, People's Republic of China
Left Lateral Segment Liver Transplantation in the Cirrhotic Setting with Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Case Report

Aydin Dalgic, Turkey
Surgical treatment of Portal Hypertension. Analysis of 116 consecutive cases.

Dr. Emre Karakaya, Turkey
Using double J stent in liver transplant to prevent bile leak

Fatih Boyvat, Turkey
Percutaneous management of portal vein stenosis after liver transplantation

Dr. Burak Yagdiran, Turkey
Detection of early postoperative active bleeding after liver transplantation using 384-slice CT angiography

Dr. Masayuki Fujino, Japan
Mass cytometry and single cell RNA sequencing analysis of mouse liver transplantation

Dr. Chang Ho Seo, Korea
Small but Safe: Initial Experience of Liver Transplantation at Single Center

Mrs. Alba Gomez Barrena, Spain
Tobacco influence on short-term outcomes of liver transplantation

Mrs. Alba Gomez Barrena, Spain
Comparative study between liver transplant recipients older and younger than 70 years. A call for caution

Dr. Burak Ozkan, Turkey
Free microvascular tissue transfers in solid organ transplant candidates and recipients

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