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P.354 Comparative analysis with or without external biliary drainage of the bile ducts during transplantation of the right lobe of the liver from a living donor

Serik Turebaevich Tileuov, Kazakhstan

Hepatopancreatobiliary Surgery and Liver Transplantation
Syzganov's National Scientific Center of Surgery


Comparative analysis with or without external biliary drainage of the bile ducts during transplantation of the right lobe of the liver from a living donor

Maxat Doskhanov1, Serik Tileuov1, Bolatbek Baimakhanov1, Shokan Kaniev1, Aidar Skakbayev1, Daniyar Mukazhanov1, Alexey Bondar1, Mukhtar Suierkulov1, Fariya Bashatova1.

1Hepatopancreatobiliary Surgery and Liver Transplantation, Syzganov's National Scientific Center of Surgery, Almaty city, Kazakhstan

Background: Biliary complications are one of the most common and serious problems after liver transplantation, occurring from 10 to 40%. This study reflects the results of the biliary complications of our center. The aim is to analyze the results of biliary complications during liver transplantation in our clinic.
Methods: From December 2011 to April 2024, 279 liver transplantations were performed at the National Research Center named after A.N. Syzganov. Of these, liver transplantations from a living donor was performed in 251 (90.0%) patients: of these, in 203 (80.8%) cases, adult liver transplantation, in 48 (19.2%) cases, pediatric liver transplantation. Of these, the right lobe of the liver was used in 187 (67.0%) patients. All patients, depending on the external biliary drainage of the bile ducts, were divided into 2 groups: with external biliary drainage in 91 (48.7%) patients and without external biliary drainage in 96 (51.3%) patients, respectively.
Results: In the postoperative period after transplantation of the right lobe of the liver from a living donor, biliary complications were observed in 21 (11.3%) patients. In the first group, biliary complications was observed in 8 (4.2%) patients and in the second in 13 (7.0%) patients. Bile leakage were observed in 3 (1.6%) patients: of these, 1 (0.5%) patient was observed in the first group, and 2 (1.0%) patients in the second group. The total number of patients with anastomotic strictures was 18 (9.6%), where 7 (3.7%) patients were observed in the first group and 11 (5.9%) in the second group.
Conclusion: In conclusion, our experience shows that biliary complications is less common in patients with external biliary drainage compared to those without external biliary drainage.

Maxat Doskhanov.


[1] Biliary complicaions
[2] Liver transplantation
[3] external biliary drainage

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