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P.377 Long-term quality of life and adherence status of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma after liver transplantation

Yaprak Sarigöl Ordin, Turkey

Assistant Professor
Department of Surgical Nursing
SarigolOrdin Yaprak


Yaprak Sarıgöl Ordin, RN, PhD have studied in Nursing Faculty as Assoc Prof. Dr. Ordin completed her master's degree and PhD thesis in the field of liver transplantation. She did her post-doc work with kidney transplant patients at the University of Missouri Kansas City. She has many projects, scientific research, and master's and doctoral theses that she has advised on liver and kidney transplant patients. Dr. Ordin continues her education in the field of nursing, master's and doctoral education, and her work in the field of nursing research. She is a founding board member of ESOT's ETAHP group. She continues to serve as a board member of ITNS. She has clinical experience and has carried out national and international projects in the field of living donation.


Long-term quality of life and adherence status of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma after liver transplantation

Elif Demirdelen1, Yaprak Sarigöl Ordin2, Tarkan Ünek3.

1Dokuz Eylul University , Health Science Institute , Izmir, Turkey; 2Dokuz Eylul University , Surgical Nursing Department, Nursing Faculty, Izmir, Turkey; 3Dokuz Eylul University , Department of General Surgery, School ofMedicine, Izmir, Turkey

Introduction: The etiology of hepatocellular carcinoma needd special evalutaion after liver transplantation, considering both its prognosis and the risks to patients.
Aim: Aim of the study is examine the long-term quality of life and adherence behavior of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma liver transplantation. In the study, physical activity, medication adherence and cancer screening recommendation adaptation as adherence behavior were investigated.
Method: This is descriptive and correlational study. The participnats of the study consisted of patients who had liver transplantation with the etiology  of hepatocellular carcinoma and whose history had been at least 5 years. There were total 125 patients who liver transplantation wtih hepatocelluler carcinoma etiology  between 1998 and 2017 in center that conducted study . fifty one patients were reached (40.8% attendance ratio; 64 patients died, 10 patients could not be reached). Data of the study was gathered between July 2023 and March 2024. SF-12  Quality of Life Scale, International Physical Activity Scale, Immunosuppressant Therapy Adherence Scale – ITAS, and Cancer Ccreening Adaptation Questionnaire were used.
Results: Mean age of the recipients was 66.29±6.75 and mean year of time after transplantation  was 13.60±3.23. Patients’ physical composite scale (PCS) and mental health composite scale (MCS) were 48.19±7.96 and 51.90±9.27, respectively. Patients’ MET min/week mean was 2342.06±2073.68 (min.max:426-12.894). Immunosupprssive medication adherence mean point was found 11.88±0.43. Rate of female patients having breast self-examination was 22.22% and the rate of having mammography was 66.66%. The rate of male patients having an annual urologist check-up was 54.76%. The rate of patients undergoing colonoscopy was 52.94%, the rate of self-skin examination was 68.63%, and the rate of seeing a dermatologist once a year was 13.73%. According to analysis, MSC level of female patients were found to be lower than male patients (p=0.028). It was found to be a weak and positive cerrelation between the physical activity and PCS level (p= 009).
Conclusion: In this study, it was found taht the mental dimension of the quality of life of the female gender and low physical activity level were risk factors fort he physical dimension. The patients were also found to have low physical activity levels. There appear to be deficiencies in their adherence with cancer screening recommendations. The interventional study for improve to physical activity level of the patients should be designed. It is recommended to organize training programs to increase patients' adherence with the cancer screening program.


[1] liver transplantation
[2] long-term
[3] hepatocellular carcinoma
[4] quality of life
[5] physical activity
[6] medication adherence

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