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P.371 Outcomes of living donor liver transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma associated with benign versus malignant portal vein thrombosis.

Nafady M Ramy, United Kingdom

senior clinical fellow of Transplant Surgery
Transplant surgery
cambridge university hospitals


Outcomes of living donor liver transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma associated with benign versus malignant portal vein thrombosis

Amr Elfouly1, Mostafa Abdo1, Ahmed Mukhtar1, Nafady Ramy1, Amr Abdelaal1.

1Liver Transplant department, Air-Force specialised Hospital, Cairo, Egypt

Introduction: Discrimination between benign(b-PVT) and malignant (m-PVT) portal vein thrombosis is crucial in HCC patients before LDLT.
Patients and methods: A total of 531 cases had LDLT between (Jan 2016–Dec 2022); 130 (25%) paediatrics and 391 (75%) adults. The presented HCC was in 122 (32%) of the transplanted adults cohort. We subdivided the adult cohort into 4 subgroups: HCC 84 (22%), HCC with PVT 38 (10%), PVT 50 (13%) and non-HCC/non-PVT 210 (55%). The aim was to assess the overall survival outcomes, disease free survival, HCC recurrence rate for HCC patients with or without (b-PVT) compared to non HCC cohorts. But segmental or main branch portal vein thrombosis (m-PVT) is accepted after successful tumor down-staging by TARE with or without sorafenib. 
Results: The 1y, 3yr and 5yrs post liver transplantation survival of HCC patients was similar to the non HCC cohort, 94%, 90%, 84% and 88%, 84%, 81% respectively (P=0.49) as in figure-1. While the 1y, 3yr and 5yrs survival time of HCC cohort has trends for better survival compared to HCC+PVT patients; 94%, 90%, 84% and 88%, 83%, 78% respectively (P=0.16) as in figure-2. The HCC patients with portal vein thrombosis were further subdivided into (HCC+ b-PVT) in 33/38(87%) and (HCC+ m-PVT) in 5/38(13%). The HCC recurrence rate among (HCC-only), (HCC+ b-PVT), and (HCC+m-PVT) is 7/84(8.3%), 2/33(6%), and (1/5(20%), respectively p=0.69. In respect to the pre-LDLT HCC BCLC staging, we find that the HCC recurrence rate was 3/43(7%) BCLC-A, 7/37(18.5%) BCLC-B, 1/5(20%) BCLC-C and 2/37(5%) BCLC-D patients.
Conclusion: It seems that benign (bPVT) is a common risk factor among cirrhotic patients presented with HCC seeking for LDLT. Discrimination between benign or malignant PVT in HCC patients is crucial. The b-PVT had similar survival to the equivalent cohort, while m-PVT (after down staging) had shown comparable outcomes.

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