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P.376 Accuracy between estimated graft volume and actual graft weight in living donor liver transplant


Accuracy between estimated graft volume and actual graft weight in living donor liver transplant

Emre Karakaya1, Adem Safak1, Ozan Okyay1, Sedat Yildirim1, Mehmet Coskun2, Mehmet A. Haberal1.

1Department of General Surgery, Division of Transplantation, Baskent University, Ankara, Turkey; 2Department of Radiology, Baskent University, Ankara, Turkey

Introduction: In the living donor liver transplant (LDLT) one of the preoperative evaluation stage is the calculation of graft-recipient-weight ratio (GRWR) and remnant liver volume. According to the our criteria, the remnant volume should be at least 40% and the GRWR should be at least 1%. We aimed to determine the accuracy of pre-operative computed tomography (CT) graft measurements with actual graft weights in LDLTs in our centers.
Material and Methods: Since 1988, 760 liver transplants have been performed by our team. Of these 760 liver transplants, 543 (71,4%) were LDLTs. All living donors are related to their recipients. Preoperative CT angiography (CTA) images and intraoperative graft weights were analyzed retrospectively.
Results: Three hundred six (56.3%) of 543 donors were female and 237 (43.7%) were male. The mean age of donors was 44 ± 8.5 years. The mean weights of donors was 76 ± 12.5 kg. Of the donor hepatectomies, 47% (n=256) were left hepatectomy, 32 % (n=173) right hepatectomy and 20.9% (n=114) left lateral hepatectomy. The mean total liver volume of donors measured by CT was 1555.41 ± 235 cm3. The mean graft volüme was 519.41 ± 250 cm3 and the mean graft weight was 507.37 ± 242 cm3 When we measured the graft weights during surgery, we found that its ratio to the volume measurements made radiologically was 1.03. Remnant liver volume in donors was 64.28 ± 15.7% of the total volume.
Conclusion: To prevent, small-for-size or large-for-size for the recipient and liver failure for the donor, preoperative radiological assessment of the donor's liver is very important.

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