Universal Time: 22:58  |  Local Time: 22:58 (3h GMT)
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Time Room Session

08:00 - 09:15 |  Early Morning Sessions

08:00-09:15 Beyazıt
View Abstract Session: Kidney Pre-Transplant Management

Steven J. Chadban, Australia
Cardiac screening pre-transplant
Steven J. Chadban, Australia Invited Speaker
Cardiac screening pre-transplant
Miruzato Fukuda, Japan
Appropriate risk classification and low-dose rituximab can help prevent antibody-associated rejection in ABO-compatible kidney transplants
Miruzato Fukuda, Japan Oral
Appropriate risk classification and low-dose rituximab can help prevent antibody-associated rejection in ABO-compatible kidney transplants
Sonja Gracin, Sweden
Kidney transplantation in patients with Multiple Myeloma (MM) and Monoclonal Gammopathy of Renal Significance (MGRS)
Sonja Gracin, Sweden Oral
Kidney transplantation in patients with Multiple Myeloma (MM) and Monoclonal Gammopathy of Renal Significance (MGRS)
Girish Mour, United States
Prognostic value of pre- and post-transplant pulmonary hypertension evaluation, estimated by right ventricular systolic pressure, on all-cause mortality in renal transplant recipients
Girish Mour, United States Oral
Prognostic value of pre- and post-transplant pulmonary hypertension evaluation, estimated by right ventricular systolic pressure, on all-cause mortality in renal transplant recipients
Alev Ok Atilgan, Turkey
The significance of histopathological and ultrastructural kidney biopsy findings in selecting renal donor candidates with proteinuria
Alev Ok Atilgan, Turkey Oral
The significance of histopathological and ultrastructural kidney biopsy findings in selecting renal donor candidates with proteinuria
08:00-09:15 Emirgan 2
Emirgan 2
View Abstract Session: Lung translational

Franziska Olm, Sweden
Rodent-Powered Lung Rejuvenation: Mitochondrial Xenotransplantation in Ex Vivo Lung Perfusion to Combat Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury
Franziska Olm, Sweden Oral
Rodent-Powered Lung Rejuvenation: Mitochondrial Xenotransplantation in Ex Vivo Lung Perfusion to Combat Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury
Darren Stewart, United States
Timing is (Almost) Everything: The Relationship Between Deceased Donor PaO2/FiO2 Ratio and Lung Graft Survival
Darren Stewart, United States Oral
Timing is (Almost) Everything: The Relationship Between Deceased Donor PaO2/FiO2 Ratio and Lung Graft Survival
Sandra Lindstedt, Sweden
Cytokine adsorption is associated with decreased primary graft dysfunction in lungtransplanation; LUSorb a randomized controlled trail
Sandra Lindstedt, Sweden Oral
Cytokine adsorption is associated with decreased primary graft dysfunction in lungtransplanation; LUSorb a randomized controlled trail
Mayara Munhoz de Assis Ramos, Brazil
Effects of ventilation during warm ischemia in a model of ex vivo lung perfusion in sheep
Mayara Munhoz de Assis Ramos, Brazil Oral
Effects of ventilation during warm ischemia in a model of ex vivo lung perfusion in sheep
Stephen P Wall, United States
Lung uDCD protocol refinement in partnership with clinical, regulatory, and community stakeholders in New York City
Stephen P Wall, United States Oral
Lung uDCD protocol refinement in partnership with clinical, regulatory, and community stakeholders in New York City
Steven J Hiho, Australia
Association of Non-HLA autoantibodies and CLAD following Lung Transplantation
Steven J Hiho, Australia Oral
Association of Non-HLA autoantibodies and CLAD following Lung Transplantation
Alonso J Marquez, United States
Surveillance bronchoscopy: Key in early detection of acute cellular rejection in lung transplant recipients
Alonso J Marquez, United States Mini-Oral
Surveillance bronchoscopy: Key in early detection of acute cellular rejection in lung transplant recipients
08:00-09:15 Beylerbeyi 1
Beylerbeyi 1
View Abstract Session: Liver cancer

Germaine Wong, Australia
Immuno therapy and novel therapy for cancer treatment post transplant
Germaine Wong, Australia Invited Speaker
Immuno therapy and novel therapy for cancer treatment post transplant
Fatih Boyvat, Turkey
Minimizing risks in hepatocellular cancer biopsy: Coaxial needle technique with tract cauterization
Fatih Boyvat, Turkey Oral
Minimizing risks in hepatocellular cancer biopsy: Coaxial needle technique with tract cauterization
Behnam Saberi, United States
Association of macrovascular invasion and poor tumor differentiation on post-liver transplant outcomes in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma
Behnam Saberi, United States Oral
Association of macrovascular invasion and poor tumor differentiation on post-liver transplant outcomes in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma
Masahiro Ohira, Japan
Initial phase study on postoperative immunotherapy using natural killer cells from donor liver in hepatocellular carcinoma patients post liver transplant
Masahiro Ohira, Japan Oral
Initial phase study on postoperative immunotherapy using natural killer cells from donor liver in hepatocellular carcinoma patients post liver transplant
Sabrina Leo, Canada
The therapeutic potential of targeting nuclear receptor retinoic acid-related orphan receptor gamma in hepatocellular carcinoma
Sabrina Leo, Canada Oral
The therapeutic potential of targeting nuclear receptor retinoic acid-related orphan receptor gamma in hepatocellular carcinoma
Irum Amin, United Kingdom
Incidence of malignancy after intestinal transplant
Irum Amin, United Kingdom Oral
Incidence of malignancy after intestinal transplant
08:00-09:15 Beylerbeyi 2
Beylerbeyi 2
View Abstract Session: Living donation

Hatem Amer, United States
Bone health long after donating a kidney
Hatem Amer, United States Invited Speaker
Bone health long after donating a kidney
Elizabeth R Nies, United States
A liver for a kidney: donor and professional attitudes toward trans-organ exchange
Elizabeth R Nies, United States Oral
A liver for a kidney: donor and professional attitudes toward trans-organ exchange
Ali B Abbasi, United States
Project donor: A national intervention to improve the health of living organ donors
Ali B Abbasi, United States Oral
Project donor: A national intervention to improve the health of living organ donors
Mirjam Laging, Netherlands
Beyond kidney donation: Unveiling predictors of long-term kidney function in living donors
Mirjam Laging, Netherlands Oral
Beyond kidney donation: Unveiling predictors of long-term kidney function in living donors
Jongman Kim, Korea
Emergent living donor liver transplantation from Korean National Data
Jongman Kim, Korea Mini-Oral
Emergent living donor liver transplantation from Korean National Data
Ilya Kantsedikas, United Kingdom
Variation in global living donor liver transplant surgical technique – early data from the International Living Donor Liver Transplant Registry (LDLTregistry.org)
Ilya Kantsedikas, United Kingdom Mini-Oral
Variation in global living donor liver transplant surgical technique – early data from the International Living Donor Liver Transplant Registry (LDLTregistry.org)
Tariq Ali, Saudi Arabia
Correlating urinalysis findings with histopathology in potential kidney donors exhibiting microscopic hematuria
Tariq Ali, Saudi Arabia Mini-Oral
Correlating urinalysis findings with histopathology in potential kidney donors exhibiting microscopic hematuria
08:00-09:15 Hamidiye
View Workshop: TTS-Vitallink: Strengthening deceased organ transplantation capacity in LMICs - Part 1

Curie Ahn Dr., Korea
How to build a deceased organ transplantation team in LMICs?
Curie Ahn Dr., Korea
How to build a deceased organ transplantation team in LMICs?
Katayoun Najafizadeh, Iran
How can hospital infrastructure for deceased organ transplantation be established in LMICs?
Katayoun Najafizadeh, Iran
How can hospital infrastructure for deceased organ transplantation be established in LMICs?
Chloe Ballesté Delpierre, Spain
Establishing a system for deceased organ transplantation in LMICs: Strategies and considerations
Chloe Ballesté Delpierre, Spain
Establishing a system for deceased organ transplantation in LMICs: Strategies and considerations
Masumbuko Y Mwashambwa, Tanzania, United Republic of
Panel discussion: Critical issues law and regulations
Masumbuko Y Mwashambwa, Tanzania, United Republic of
Panel discussion: Critical issues law and regulations
Pandaan Batchuluun, Mongolia
Panel discussion: Critical issues public awareness
Pandaan Batchuluun, Mongolia
Panel discussion: Critical issues public awareness
Alejandro Nino-Murcia, Colombia
Panel discussion: Critical issues access for Venezuelan refugees
Alejandro Nino-Murcia, Colombia
Panel discussion: Critical issues access for Venezuelan refugees
08:00-09:15 Maçka
View Abstract Session: Ethics in organ donation

Riadh A.S. Fadhil, Qatar
Improving deceased organ donation among muslim living globally
Riadh A.S. Fadhil, Qatar Invited Speaker
Improving deceased organ donation among muslim living globally
Hari Shankar Meshram, India
A multicenter retrospective cohort study of Indian experience with the kidney paired donation transplantation
Hari Shankar Meshram, India Mini-Oral
A multicenter retrospective cohort study of Indian experience with the kidney paired donation transplantation
Nikolina Bašić Jukić, Croatia
Kidney transplantation in patients with intellectual disability
Nikolina Bašić Jukić, Croatia Mini-Oral
Kidney transplantation in patients with intellectual disability
Sue Hyon Kim, United States
Harm reduction approach: An ethical proposal for liver transplant recipients with alcohol-associated liver disease
Sue Hyon Kim, United States Mini-Oral
Harm reduction approach: An ethical proposal for liver transplant recipients with alcohol-associated liver disease
Pablo E Centeno, Argentina
Method to evaluate the loss of donors in the provinces of the Argentine Republic and establish policies that increase procurement
Pablo E Centeno, Argentina Rapid-Fire
Method to evaluate the loss of donors in the provinces of the Argentine Republic and establish policies that increase procurement
Ercan Avci, United States
The need for rethinking about kidney donation systems
Ercan Avci, United States Rapid-Fire
The need for rethinking about kidney donation systems
Carolina Espinosa-Escobar, Mexico
Sociocultural experiences and meanings of kidney transplant in Mexican patients: A qualitative study
Carolina Espinosa-Escobar, Mexico Rapid-Fire
Sociocultural experiences and meanings of kidney transplant in Mexican patients: A qualitative study
Pallavi Kumar, India
Enhancing healthcare equity: Public-private partnerships for organ donation and transplantation in underserved areas of North-East India
Pallavi Kumar, India Rapid-Fire
Enhancing healthcare equity: Public-private partnerships for organ donation and transplantation in underserved areas of North-East India
Arzu Kader Harmancı Seren, Turkey
A review on investigating the effect of consent systems on organ donation rates
Arzu Kader Harmancı Seren, Turkey Rapid-Fire
A review on investigating the effect of consent systems on organ donation rates
Fernando A. Giron Luque Sr., Colombia
Mapping the Landscape: A Bibliometric Analysis of Organ Transplantation Research in Colombia
Fernando A. Giron Luque Sr., Colombia Rapid-Fire
Mapping the Landscape: A Bibliometric Analysis of Organ Transplantation Research in Colombia
08:00-09:15 Üsküdar 3
Üsküdar 3
View Abstract Session: Novel therapeutics and immunosuppression strategies 2

Maria-Luisa Alegre, United States
Microbiome modification for immune regulation
Maria-Luisa Alegre, United States Invited Speaker
Microbiome modification for immune regulation
Sun Qin, People's Republic of China
YTHDF3 regulates IGF1R to aggravate pancreatic islets cellular aging and dysfunction
Sun Qin, People's Republic of China Mini-Oral
YTHDF3 regulates IGF1R to aggravate pancreatic islets cellular aging and dysfunction
Kieran Manion, Canada
Graft protein shows a distinct signature in donor-specific antibody positive kidney transplant recipients with antibody-mediated rejection
Kieran Manion, Canada Mini-Oral
Graft protein shows a distinct signature in donor-specific antibody positive kidney transplant recipients with antibody-mediated rejection
Jose Ignacio Valenzuela, Argentina
The role of interleukin 27 in donor specific alloantibody responses
Jose Ignacio Valenzuela, Argentina Mini-Oral
The role of interleukin 27 in donor specific alloantibody responses
Anna Weijler, Austria
Donor-specific immunoglobulin E augments alloreactive responses in a CD23-dependent manner
Anna Weijler, Austria Mini-Oral
Donor-specific immunoglobulin E augments alloreactive responses in a CD23-dependent manner
Davide Ghinolfi, Italy
Bile levels of keratin 19 from donations after circulatory death are associated with early graft dysfunction
Davide Ghinolfi, Italy Mini-Oral
Bile levels of keratin 19 from donations after circulatory death are associated with early graft dysfunction
Louisa Steines, Germany
Bcl6 inhibitors – a novel immunosuppressive strategy disrupting T-B collaboration in alloimmune responses
Louisa Steines, Germany Mini-Oral
Bcl6 inhibitors – a novel immunosuppressive strategy disrupting T-B collaboration in alloimmune responses
Laurenz L Wolner, Austria
Inducing Long-Term Heart Allograft Tolerance Through Selective Treg Expansion by IL-2 Complex Treatment
Laurenz L Wolner, Austria Mini-Oral
Inducing Long-Term Heart Allograft Tolerance Through Selective Treg Expansion by IL-2 Complex Treatment
08:00-09:15 Çamlıca
View Abstract Session: Kidney Transplant - Donor and Recipient Issues

Matthew Cooper, United States
The US model of continuous distribution of donated organs: Better or worse
Matthew Cooper, United States Invited Speaker
The US model of continuous distribution of donated organs: Better or worse
Giselle Guerra, United States
Single-center observational study of 1,119 deceased donor kidney transplant recipients suggesting the removal of 5/13 individual components of the kidney donor risk index
Giselle Guerra, United States Rapid-Fire
Single-center observational study of 1,119 deceased donor kidney transplant recipients suggesting the removal of 5/13 individual components of the kidney donor risk index
Alessandro Del Gobbo, Italy
Kidney transplant from DCD donation: A novel pre-transplant combined clinico-pathological predictive score
Alessandro Del Gobbo, Italy Rapid-Fire
Kidney transplant from DCD donation: A novel pre-transplant combined clinico-pathological predictive score
Mihyeong Kim, Korea
Long-term outcome of recipients with suboptimal graft function at 1 month after deceased-donor kidney transplantation
Mihyeong Kim, Korea Rapid-Fire
Long-term outcome of recipients with suboptimal graft function at 1 month after deceased-donor kidney transplantation
Vijay Chander Bukka, India
A pioneering study on factors influencing kidney discards
Vijay Chander Bukka, India Rapid-Fire
A pioneering study on factors influencing kidney discards
Gizem Korkut, Turkey
Association of kidney donor profile index with implantation allograft biopsies and outcomes in kidney transplant recipients
Gizem Korkut, Turkey Rapid-Fire
Association of kidney donor profile index with implantation allograft biopsies and outcomes in kidney transplant recipients
Tanawat Yothinarak, Thailand
Impact of donor-recipient body surface area mismatch on kidney graft survival and function
Tanawat Yothinarak, Thailand Rapid-Fire
Impact of donor-recipient body surface area mismatch on kidney graft survival and function
Burak Sayin, Turkey
Long term results of donor gifted nephrolithiasis
Burak Sayin, Turkey Rapid-Fire
Long term results of donor gifted nephrolithiasis
Cihan H Dagli, United States
Advanced aI algorithms-driven agent based simulation for policy improvement in hard-to-place deceased donor kidneys
Cihan H Dagli, United States Rapid-Fire
Advanced aI algorithms-driven agent based simulation for policy improvement in hard-to-place deceased donor kidneys

09:15 - 09:30 |  Coffee Break

09:15-09:30 Virtual
Grab and Go Break

09:30 - 10:30 |  Abstracts Sessions (AS) and Educational Workshop (EW)

09:30-10:30 Beyazıt
View Abstract Session: Kidney Acute Rejection and Diagnostics

Eun Sung Jeong, Korea
The Effect of Steroid Pulse Therapy for the Reduction of Acute Rejection Episode in Subclinical Borderline Changes: An Open-Label, Randomized Clinical Trial
Eun Sung Jeong, Korea Rapid-Fire
The Effect of Steroid Pulse Therapy for the Reduction of Acute Rejection Episode in Subclinical Borderline Changes: An Open-Label, Randomized Clinical Trial
Jinghong Tan, People's Republic of China
Post-transplantation dynamics of non-HLA antibodies and early panel intensity as predictors of ABMR in kidney transplantation
Jinghong Tan, People's Republic of China Rapid-Fire
Post-transplantation dynamics of non-HLA antibodies and early panel intensity as predictors of ABMR in kidney transplantation
Shubham Dubey, India
Anti-MICA Antibodies and Graft Outcomes in Kidney Transplant Recipients
Shubham Dubey, India Rapid-Fire
Anti-MICA Antibodies and Graft Outcomes in Kidney Transplant Recipients
Debdeep Mondal, India
A prospective observational study to assess the role of donor derived cell free DNA (dd-cfDNA) in predicting active rejection in renal allograft recipients
Debdeep Mondal, India Rapid-Fire
A prospective observational study to assess the role of donor derived cell free DNA (dd-cfDNA) in predicting active rejection in renal allograft recipients
Ara Cho, Korea
Donor-derived cell-free DNA identifies subclinical antibody-mediated rejection in de novo donor-specific antibody-positive kidney transplant recipients
Ara Cho, Korea Rapid-Fire
Donor-derived cell-free DNA identifies subclinical antibody-mediated rejection in de novo donor-specific antibody-positive kidney transplant recipients
Paula van Appeldorn, Austria
Perioperative immunoabsorption in immunized kidney transplant recipients leads to higher graft survival rates
Paula van Appeldorn, Austria Rapid-Fire
Perioperative immunoabsorption in immunized kidney transplant recipients leads to higher graft survival rates
Cherin Champannoor, India
Our unique experience with low dose Alemtuzumab as induction agent in renal transplantation
Cherin Champannoor, India Rapid-Fire
Our unique experience with low dose Alemtuzumab as induction agent in renal transplantation
Maria del Carmen Rial, Argentina
Borderline (BL) rejection on renal recipients. Is steroid treatment enough to resolve it?
Maria del Carmen Rial, Argentina Rapid-Fire
Borderline (BL) rejection on renal recipients. Is steroid treatment enough to resolve it?
09:30-10:30 Emirgan 1
Emirgan 1
View Abstract Session: Kidney Surgical 2

Dzhabrail Saydulaev, Russian Federation
Kidney transplantation in children with compromised inferior vena cava
Dzhabrail Saydulaev, Russian Federation Mini-Oral
Kidney transplantation in children with compromised inferior vena cava
Salwa AlRemeithi, United Arab Emirates
Utilization of the recipient inferior epigastric artery for the anastomosis to the accessory lower polar artery of the donor kidney is a viable and safe option during kidney transplantation
Salwa AlRemeithi, United Arab Emirates Mini-Oral
Utilization of the recipient inferior epigastric artery for the anastomosis to the accessory lower polar artery of the donor kidney is a viable and safe option during kidney transplantation
Nasika Venkata Kanaka Naga Karthik, India
A prospective comparative study assessing learning curve of trainee surgeons in total laparoscopic versus hand assisted laparoscopic donor nephrectomy
Nasika Venkata Kanaka Naga Karthik, India Mini-Oral
A prospective comparative study assessing learning curve of trainee surgeons in total laparoscopic versus hand assisted laparoscopic donor nephrectomy
Bridget Vaughan, United States
International graft preservation practices and anastomosis time impacting delayed graft function in kidney transplantation
Bridget Vaughan, United States Mini-Oral
International graft preservation practices and anastomosis time impacting delayed graft function in kidney transplantation
Tolga Zeydanli, Turkey
Retrograde fluoroscopy guided double J stent removal procedures in kidney transplant patients
Tolga Zeydanli, Turkey Mini-Oral
Retrograde fluoroscopy guided double J stent removal procedures in kidney transplant patients
Syeda Hurmath, India
Octreotide: Bursting the bubble of lymphoceles in renal transplant recipients
Syeda Hurmath, India Mini-Oral
Octreotide: Bursting the bubble of lymphoceles in renal transplant recipients
09:30-10:30 Emirgan 2
Emirgan 2
View Abstract Session: Strategies to prevent infections in transplant recipients

Reshwan Malahé, Netherlands
Repeated COVID-19 vaccination drives memory T and B cell responses in kidney transplant recipients: Results from a multicenter randomized controlled trial
Reshwan Malahé, Netherlands Oral
Repeated COVID-19 vaccination drives memory T and B cell responses in kidney transplant recipients: Results from a multicenter randomized controlled trial
Ines Ushiro-Lumb, United Kingdom
Favourable outcomes of recipients of SARS-CoV-2 RNA positive donor organs support their safe utilisation in the post-pandemic era
Ines Ushiro-Lumb, United Kingdom Oral
Favourable outcomes of recipients of SARS-CoV-2 RNA positive donor organs support their safe utilisation in the post-pandemic era
Tarek Alhamad, United States
Expand the Donor Pool: Kidneys from Active and Resolved COVID-19 Donors and the Impact on Kidney Transplant Function
Tarek Alhamad, United States Oral
Expand the Donor Pool: Kidneys from Active and Resolved COVID-19 Donors and the Impact on Kidney Transplant Function
Silvia Corcione, Italy
Hypothermic oxygenated machine perfusion is not associated with an increased risk of infection in the recipient: A retrospective single-centre cohort study
Silvia Corcione, Italy Oral
Hypothermic oxygenated machine perfusion is not associated with an increased risk of infection in the recipient: A retrospective single-centre cohort study
Griffith B Perkins, Australia
Outcomes of the RIVASTIM: Rapamycin randomized controlled trial of immunosuppression modification to improve vaccine responses in kidney transplant recipients
Griffith B Perkins, Australia Oral
Outcomes of the RIVASTIM: Rapamycin randomized controlled trial of immunosuppression modification to improve vaccine responses in kidney transplant recipients
09:30-10:30 Beylerbeyi 1
Beylerbeyi 1
View Abstract Session: Liver quality & live donor

Peter J. Friend, United Kingdom
Pre-transplant testing of the high-risk liver
Peter J. Friend, United Kingdom Invited Speaker
Pre-transplant testing of the high-risk liver
David C Cron, United States
Factors influencing the use of non-ideal deceased donor livers for transplantation: a qualitative study of U.S. transplant center leaders
David C Cron, United States Oral
Factors influencing the use of non-ideal deceased donor livers for transplantation: a qualitative study of U.S. transplant center leaders
Dong-Sik Kim, Korea
Clinical significance of grade A small-for-size syndrome after living-donor liver transplantation utilizing the new definition of diagnostic criteria: An international multicenter study
Dong-Sik Kim, Korea Oral
Clinical significance of grade A small-for-size syndrome after living-donor liver transplantation utilizing the new definition of diagnostic criteria: An international multicenter study
Su Min Jeon, Korea
Pure laparoscopic extended left hemihepatectomy with caudate lobectomy for living-donor liver transplantation: A case series with video
Su Min Jeon, Korea Oral
Pure laparoscopic extended left hemihepatectomy with caudate lobectomy for living-donor liver transplantation: A case series with video
Giulia Jole Burastero, Italy
Impact of VRE-active perioperative prophylaxis in liver transplant patients colonized by Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococci
Giulia Jole Burastero, Italy Oral
Impact of VRE-active perioperative prophylaxis in liver transplant patients colonized by Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococci
09:30-10:30 Hamidiye
View Workshop: Strengthening organ transplantation capacity in low-middle income countries (group discussion session) - Part 2

Peter G. Stock, United States
Group A Moderator (Northern Africa)
Peter G. Stock, United States
Group A Moderator (Northern Africa)
Masumbuko Y Mwashambwa, Tanzania, United Republic of
Group A Reporter (Northern Africa)
Masumbuko Y Mwashambwa, Tanzania, United Republic of
Group A Reporter (Northern Africa)
Romina A Danguilan, Philippines
Group B Moderator (Asia)
Romina A Danguilan, Philippines
Group B Moderator (Asia)
Adisorn Lumpaopong, Thailand
Group B Reporter (Asia)
Adisorn Lumpaopong, Thailand
Group B Reporter (Asia)
Lori J. West, Canada
Group C Moderator (Asia)
Lori J. West, Canada
Group C Moderator (Asia)
Ejaz Ahmed, Pakistan
Group C Reporter (Asia)
Ejaz Ahmed, Pakistan
Group C Reporter (Asia)
Roslyn B. Mannon, United States
Group D Moderator (Latin America)
Roslyn B. Mannon, United States
Group D Moderator (Latin America)
Maria Amalia Matamoros, Costa Rica
Group D Reporter (Latin America)
Maria Amalia Matamoros, Costa Rica
Group D Reporter (Latin America)
Stefan G. Tullius, United States
Group E Moderator (Other regions)
Stefan G. Tullius, United States
Group E Moderator (Other regions)
Katayoun Najafizadeh, Iran
Group E Reporter (Other regions)
Katayoun Najafizadeh, Iran
Group E Reporter (Other regions)
09:30-10:30 Üsküdar 3
Üsküdar 3
View Abstract Session: Technology and performance

Kyle Jackson, United States
Improving outcomes of transplants using high Kidney Donor Profile Index kidneys through donor-recipient matching
Kyle Jackson, United States Oral
Improving outcomes of transplants using high Kidney Donor Profile Index kidneys through donor-recipient matching
Omid Ghobadi, Iran
The effects of 15 golden key points to increase the family consent rate in Iran
Omid Ghobadi, Iran Mini-Oral
The effects of 15 golden key points to increase the family consent rate in Iran
John Piano, United States
Increasing organ donors and transplants via interoperability
John Piano, United States Mini-Oral
Increasing organ donors and transplants via interoperability
Jayalakshmi Jairam, India
Revolutionizing organ transport: The advent of drone delivery systems for organs
Jayalakshmi Jairam, India Mini-Oral
Revolutionizing organ transport: The advent of drone delivery systems for organs
Kelsi L Kolle, United States
MENDing broken hearts: Increasing organ utilization through donor heart recruitment
Kelsi L Kolle, United States Mini-Oral
MENDing broken hearts: Increasing organ utilization through donor heart recruitment
Ali Abdul Kareem Al Obaidli, United Arab Emirates
Enhancing Deceased Organ Donation Through Hospital Development Strategies: Insights from the United Arab Emirates
Ali Abdul Kareem Al Obaidli, United Arab Emirates Mini-Oral
Enhancing Deceased Organ Donation Through Hospital Development Strategies: Insights from the United Arab Emirates
Irene Bello, Spain
The respiratory physiotherapy, new use of an old tool to increase lung donor pool
Irene Bello, Spain Mini-Oral
The respiratory physiotherapy, new use of an old tool to increase lung donor pool
09:30-10:30 Çamlıca
View Abstract Session: Transcriptomics and genomics-biomarkers

Jianing Fu, United States
Immune profiling of donor and recipient γδ T cells after human intestinal transplantation reveals their roles in lymphohematopoietic graft-versus-host responses and graft rejection
Jianing Fu, United States Oral
Immune profiling of donor and recipient γδ T cells after human intestinal transplantation reveals their roles in lymphohematopoietic graft-versus-host responses and graft rejection
Sadr ul Shaheed, United Kingdom
Multi-Omics approach to identify the molecular signature of primary non function prior to transplantation in deceased donor kidneys
Sadr ul Shaheed, United Kingdom Oral
Multi-Omics approach to identify the molecular signature of primary non function prior to transplantation in deceased donor kidneys
Manuela B Almeida, Portugal
Exploring metabolic changes in living kidney donors before and after donation: A comparative analysis
Manuela B Almeida, Portugal Oral
Exploring metabolic changes in living kidney donors before and after donation: A comparative analysis
Jiang Liu, Hong Kong
TLR4-mediated mucosal autoimmunity facilitates gut-derived invasive candidiasis via microfold cell impairment after liver transplantation.
Jiang Liu, Hong Kong Oral
TLR4-mediated mucosal autoimmunity facilitates gut-derived invasive candidiasis via microfold cell impairment after liver transplantation.
Helong Dai, People's Republic of China
CD5L binds HSPA5 to up-regulate the activation of TGF-β signaling pathway and promote renal fibrosis
Helong Dai, People's Republic of China Oral
CD5L binds HSPA5 to up-regulate the activation of TGF-β signaling pathway and promote renal fibrosis

10:40 - 12:10 |  Plenary Session

10:40-12:30 Üsküdar 1&2
Üsküdar 1&2
View Plenary Session: President's Plenary Session

Elmi Muller, South Africa
Presidential Address
Elmi Muller, South Africa
Presidential Address
Bethany Foster, Canada
WIT Awards (Woman Leader in Transplantation: Clinical/Translational and Unsung Hero)
Bethany Foster, Canada
WIT Awards (Woman Leader in Transplantation: Clinical/Translational and Unsung Hero)
Andreas Tzakis, United States
Introduction of Medawar recipient: Prof. Mehmet A. Haberal
Andreas Tzakis, United States
Introduction of Medawar recipient: Prof. Mehmet A. Haberal
Mehmet A. Haberal, Turkey
Medawar Recipient Address
Mehmet A. Haberal, Turkey
Medawar Recipient Address
Deepali Kumar, Canada
Introduction of Medawar recipient: Dr. Shaf Keshavjee
Deepali Kumar, Canada
Introduction of Medawar recipient: Dr. Shaf Keshavjee
Shaf Keshavjee, Canada
Medawar Recipient Address
Shaf Keshavjee, Canada
Medawar Recipient Address
Jerzy Kupiec-Weglinski MD, PhD., United States
Introduction of Medawar recipient: Dr. Ronald Busuttil
Jerzy Kupiec-Weglinski MD, PhD., United States
Introduction of Medawar recipient: Dr. Ronald Busuttil
Ronald Busuttil, United States
Medawar Recipient Adddress
Ronald Busuttil, United States
Medawar Recipient Adddress
Ruth Sapir-Pichhadze, Canada
Embracing equity, diversity & inclusion principles to improve access and outcomes of solid organ transplantation
Ruth Sapir-Pichhadze, Canada
Embracing equity, diversity & inclusion principles to improve access and outcomes of solid organ transplantation

12:10 - 13:40 |  Lunch Break and E-Poster Viewing

12:25-13:25 3B Foyer area
3B Foyer area
Experts/Mentors: Lunch with the Experts / Mentors

Fadi Issa, United Kingdom
Expert: Transplant Immunology
Fadi Issa, United Kingdom
Expert: Transplant Immunology
Sang Joseph Kim, Canada
Expert: Kidney Registries
Sang Joseph Kim, Canada
Expert: Kidney Registries
Roslyn B. Mannon, United States
Roslyn B. Mannon, United States
Anette Melk, Germany
Anette Melk, Germany
Germaine Wong, Australia
Germaine Wong, Australia
12:50-13:40 Üsküdar 1&2
Üsküdar 1&2
TTS Presidents: Past Meets Future Lunch Session

Elmi Muller, South Africa
TTS President 2024-2022
Elmi Muller, South Africa
TTS President 2024-2022
Marcelo Cantarovich, Canada
TTS President 2022-2020
Marcelo Cantarovich, Canada
TTS President 2022-2020
Mehmet A. Haberal, Turkey
TTS President 2020-2018
Mehmet A. Haberal, Turkey
TTS President 2020-2018
Jeremy R. Chapman, Australia
TTS President 2008-2010
Jeremy R. Chapman, Australia
TTS President 2008-2010

13:40 - 15:10 |  Abstracts Sessions (AS) and Educational Workshop (EW)

13:40-15:10 Beyazıt
View Abstract Session: Kidney Outcomes and Complications 2

Owen Ng, Australia
Longitudinal assessment of health-related quality of life in patients with chronic kidney disease
Owen Ng, Australia Mini-Oral
Longitudinal assessment of health-related quality of life in patients with chronic kidney disease
Yasushi Mochizuki, Japan
Clinical study of the importance of IgG level in kidney transplant recipient
Yasushi Mochizuki, Japan Mini-Oral
Clinical study of the importance of IgG level in kidney transplant recipient
Nida Saleem, Australia
Reported cancer screening practices by healthcare professionals for kidney transplant candidates and recipients
Nida Saleem, Australia Mini-Oral
Reported cancer screening practices by healthcare professionals for kidney transplant candidates and recipients
Aydın Turkmen, Turkey
Does de novo malignancy increase the risk of rejection in kidney transplant recipients?
Aydın Turkmen, Turkey Mini-Oral
Does de novo malignancy increase the risk of rejection in kidney transplant recipients?
Nuria Montero Perez, Spain
Immunosuppressive drug combinations after kidney transplantation and post-transplant diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Nuria Montero Perez, Spain Mini-Oral
Immunosuppressive drug combinations after kidney transplantation and post-transplant diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Michiko Shimada, Japan
Efficacy and safety of 6-month sacubitril/valsartan administration in post-renal transplant patients; possibly contribution to long-term graft survival?
Michiko Shimada, Japan Mini-Oral
Efficacy and safety of 6-month sacubitril/valsartan administration in post-renal transplant patients; possibly contribution to long-term graft survival?
Antonio Franco Esteve, Spain
Pre-emptive first deceased donor renal transplant: A matched cohort study
Antonio Franco Esteve, Spain Mini-Oral
Pre-emptive first deceased donor renal transplant: A matched cohort study
Laia Oliveras, Spain
Delayed initiation or reduced initial dose of calcineurin-inhibitors for kidney transplant recipients: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Laia Oliveras, Spain Mini-Oral
Delayed initiation or reduced initial dose of calcineurin-inhibitors for kidney transplant recipients: A systematic review and meta-analysis
13:40-15:10 Emirgan 1
Emirgan 1
View Abstract Session: Kidney Post-transplant Management Issues

Mohammad Ghnaimat, Jordan
Updates on the management of post transplant anemia
Mohammad Ghnaimat, Jordan Invited Speaker
Updates on the management of post transplant anemia
Yoshihiro Itabashi, Japan
Effects and adverse events of hypoxia-inducible factor-prolyl hydroxylase inhibitors administration to kidney transplant recipients at a single center in Japan
Yoshihiro Itabashi, Japan Mini-Oral
Effects and adverse events of hypoxia-inducible factor-prolyl hydroxylase inhibitors administration to kidney transplant recipients at a single center in Japan
Satish Vaarman Jeyabalan, Singapore
Impact of de novo or worsening of pre-existing valvular heart disease in patients referred to the kidney transplant waitlist – a single centre retrospective cohort study
Satish Vaarman Jeyabalan, Singapore Mini-Oral
Impact of de novo or worsening of pre-existing valvular heart disease in patients referred to the kidney transplant waitlist – a single centre retrospective cohort study
Sana Shadab, India
To study the long-term impact of hepatitis C treatment in terms of viral load and liver fibrosis among the renal allograft recipients
Sana Shadab, India Mini-Oral
To study the long-term impact of hepatitis C treatment in terms of viral load and liver fibrosis among the renal allograft recipients
Fayeq Jeelani Syed, United States
Potential of 250 New Nautical Mile Concentric Circle Allocation System for Improving the Donor/Recipient HLA Matching
Fayeq Jeelani Syed, United States Mini-Oral
Potential of 250 New Nautical Mile Concentric Circle Allocation System for Improving the Donor/Recipient HLA Matching
Islam Madadov, Kazakhstan
Impact of CYP3A5 gene polymorphism on tacrolimus pharmacokinetics in kidney transplant patients in Kazakh population
Islam Madadov, Kazakhstan Mini-Oral
Impact of CYP3A5 gene polymorphism on tacrolimus pharmacokinetics in kidney transplant patients in Kazakh population
Jainmin Wu, Netherlands
Polarized HLA class I expression on renal tubules hinders the detection of donor-specific urinary extracellular vesicles
Jainmin Wu, Netherlands Mini-Oral
Polarized HLA class I expression on renal tubules hinders the detection of donor-specific urinary extracellular vesicles
Inji Alshaer, United Kingdom
Impact of recipient frailty on infection risk after kidney transplantation
Inji Alshaer, United Kingdom Mini-Oral
Impact of recipient frailty on infection risk after kidney transplantation
13:40-15:10 Emirgan 2
Emirgan 2
View Abstract Session: Tregs and tolerance

Oliver McCallion, United Kingdom
Spatial transcriptomics of kidney biopsies following adoptive regulatory T cell transfer reveals a marginal zone B cell signature and novel intra-graft immune interactions
Oliver McCallion, United Kingdom Oral
Spatial transcriptomics of kidney biopsies following adoptive regulatory T cell transfer reveals a marginal zone B cell signature and novel intra-graft immune interactions
Nora Salah Atallah, United Kingdom
Molecular and spatial profiling of GMP-Grade Tregs in kidney transplantation
Nora Salah Atallah, United Kingdom Oral
Molecular and spatial profiling of GMP-Grade Tregs in kidney transplantation
Christina Lam, Canada
The Fibrinogen-like Protein 2 Molecule influences the Development of Thymic Regulatory T Cells
Christina Lam, Canada Oral
The Fibrinogen-like Protein 2 Molecule influences the Development of Thymic Regulatory T Cells
Alexandra Sharland, Australia
Sequestration of tissue-resident alloreactive T cells after intrahepatic activation contributes to tolerance induction
Alexandra Sharland, Australia Oral
Sequestration of tissue-resident alloreactive T cells after intrahepatic activation contributes to tolerance induction
Yaxun Huang, People's Republic of China
Cellular and molecular mechanisms that tolerize donor and host reactive T cells in MHC-mismatched mixed chimeras
Yaxun Huang, People's Republic of China Oral
Cellular and molecular mechanisms that tolerize donor and host reactive T cells in MHC-mismatched mixed chimeras
Amy R Cross, United Kingdom
Combination therapy of low dose regulatory T cells and low dose IL-2 for transplant tolerance
Amy R Cross, United Kingdom Oral
Combination therapy of low dose regulatory T cells and low dose IL-2 for transplant tolerance
Simon N Chu, United States
Aire-Expressing Cells are Novel Mediators of Allograft Tolerance in a Murine Heterotopic Heart Transplant Model
Simon N Chu, United States Oral
Aire-Expressing Cells are Novel Mediators of Allograft Tolerance in a Murine Heterotopic Heart Transplant Model
Ling Lyu, People's Republic of China
CD38 promotes regulatory T cells survival by activating the calcium/Ras/GGT1 pathway to reduce ROS and induce post-transplant immune tolerance
Ling Lyu, People's Republic of China Oral
CD38 promotes regulatory T cells survival by activating the calcium/Ras/GGT1 pathway to reduce ROS and induce post-transplant immune tolerance
13:40-15:10 Beylerbeyi 1
Beylerbeyi 1
View Abstract Session: Islet transplantation

Haval Shirwan, United States
Fas pathway as an effective target for tolerance induction to pancreatic islet grafts
Haval Shirwan, United States Invited Speaker
Fas pathway as an effective target for tolerance induction to pancreatic islet grafts
Atharva Kale, Australia
Targeting CD47 improves islet function and survival
Atharva Kale, Australia Oral
Targeting CD47 improves islet function and survival
Yukiko Endo, Japan
Liver surface can be a promising transplant site for pancreatic islets using a gelatin hydrogel nonwoven fabric combined with ADSCs
Yukiko Endo, Japan Oral
Liver surface can be a promising transplant site for pancreatic islets using a gelatin hydrogel nonwoven fabric combined with ADSCs
Paulomi Mehta, Australia
Inactive Caspase-1 decreases neutrophil population in allogeneic islet cell transplant model
Paulomi Mehta, Australia Oral
Inactive Caspase-1 decreases neutrophil population in allogeneic islet cell transplant model
Aya Izuwa, Japan
Regulatory T cells enhance the engraftment of subcutaneous islet transplantation
Aya Izuwa, Japan Oral
Regulatory T cells enhance the engraftment of subcutaneous islet transplantation
Yi Wang, People's Republic of China
USP10 regulates SLC7A11/PFBFB3/TFAP2C axis to inhibit the ferroptosis of allotransplanted islet β cells
Yi Wang, People's Republic of China Oral
USP10 regulates SLC7A11/PFBFB3/TFAP2C axis to inhibit the ferroptosis of allotransplanted islet β cells
Denghao Wu, Australia
The epidemiology of hereditary pancreatitis in Australia and its effect on patient of total pancreatectomy with islet auto-transplantation (TPIAT)
Denghao Wu, Australia Mini-Oral
The epidemiology of hereditary pancreatitis in Australia and its effect on patient of total pancreatectomy with islet auto-transplantation (TPIAT)
Kaoru Okada, Japan
Human amniotic epithelial cell-islet co-transplantation promotes islet engraftment by suppressing inflammation
Kaoru Okada, Japan Mini-Oral
Human amniotic epithelial cell-islet co-transplantation promotes islet engraftment by suppressing inflammation
Xiaoqian Ma, People's Republic of China
Targeting islet inflammation by RIPK3 phosphorylation for type 2 diabetes
Xiaoqian Ma, People's Republic of China Mini-Oral
Targeting islet inflammation by RIPK3 phosphorylation for type 2 diabetes
13:40-15:10 Beylerbeyi 2
Beylerbeyi 2
View Workshop: 'Asking difficult questions during difficult times’ - Complex choices and practical challenges of consent

Dominique Martin, Australia
Introduction to the session
Dominique Martin, Australia
Introduction to the session
David Thomson, South Africa
Introducing the option of donation for research – keeping it simple
David Thomson, South Africa
Introducing the option of donation for research – keeping it simple
Claire Gordon, Australia
Establishing a research biobank in the context of donation for transplantation - managing information overload
Claire Gordon, Australia
Establishing a research biobank in the context of donation for transplantation - managing information overload
Farrah Raza, United Kingdom
Consent for deceased donor transplantation – ensuring validity
Farrah Raza, United Kingdom
Consent for deceased donor transplantation – ensuring validity
Discussion Period, Turkey
Panel discussions and Q&A
Discussion Period, Turkey
Panel discussions and Q&A
Nicole J Scholes-Robertson, Australia
Panel discussant
Nicole J Scholes-Robertson, Australia
Panel discussant
Liz Schick, Switzerland
Panel discussant
Liz Schick, Switzerland
Panel discussant
13:40-14:45 Maçka
View Abstract Session: Global perspective in transplant and patient education

Carmen Blanco, Spain
The impact of a continuous training program in deceased donation rates of different countries: Transplant procurement management (TPM) effect
Carmen Blanco, Spain Mini-Oral
The impact of a continuous training program in deceased donation rates of different countries: Transplant procurement management (TPM) effect
Sunil Shroff, India
Empowering transplant professionals: An innovative online training initiative from a developing country
Sunil Shroff, India Mini-Oral
Empowering transplant professionals: An innovative online training initiative from a developing country
Ehtuish Farag Ehtuish, Libya
Reinvigorating Organ Transplantation in Libya: A Personal Journey Through Health Reform and Its Impact
Ehtuish Farag Ehtuish, Libya Mini-Oral
Reinvigorating Organ Transplantation in Libya: A Personal Journey Through Health Reform and Its Impact
Tomoko Asai, Japan
Creating ethical dilemma teaching material on organ transplants for junior and high school education
Tomoko Asai, Japan Mini-Oral
Creating ethical dilemma teaching material on organ transplants for junior and high school education
Chamila Ruwini Pilimatalawwe, Sri Lanka
Enhancing knowledge and attitudes towards organ donation: A survey of the impact of educational Initiative among health care professionals in Sri Lankan
Chamila Ruwini Pilimatalawwe, Sri Lanka Mini-Oral
Enhancing knowledge and attitudes towards organ donation: A survey of the impact of educational Initiative among health care professionals in Sri Lankan
Jacek Zawierucha, Poland
Second life social campaign as a method for SOT donors pool increase – 16 years of experience in Poland
Jacek Zawierucha, Poland Mini-Oral
Second life social campaign as a method for SOT donors pool increase – 16 years of experience in Poland
Burak Kocak, Turkey
Implementing a robot-assisted kidney transplant program for transplant surgeons with no robotic surgery background: How are we doing so far?
Burak Kocak, Turkey Mini-Oral
Implementing a robot-assisted kidney transplant program for transplant surgeons with no robotic surgery background: How are we doing so far?
13:40-15:10 Üsküdar 3
Üsküdar 3
View Abstract Session: Xenotransplantation 2

Kohei Kinoshita, United States
A retained native kidney (with ureter ligation) prevents dehydration and calcium/phosphate imbalance after life-supporting TKO pig-to-baboon kidney transplantation
Kohei Kinoshita, United States Oral
A retained native kidney (with ureter ligation) prevents dehydration and calcium/phosphate imbalance after life-supporting TKO pig-to-baboon kidney transplantation
Daniel L Eisenson, United States
Consistent long-term survival in consecutive cases of life-supporting porcine kidney xenotransplantation using 10GE source pigs
Daniel L Eisenson, United States Oral
Consistent long-term survival in consecutive cases of life-supporting porcine kidney xenotransplantation using 10GE source pigs
David K.C. Cooper, United States
Consistent Rejection-Free Survival in Baboon Recipients of 10-gene edit Pig Donor Kidneys with Intensified Anti-CD154 Treatment: Intermediate-term Results
David K.C. Cooper, United States Oral
Consistent Rejection-Free Survival in Baboon Recipients of 10-gene edit Pig Donor Kidneys with Intensified Anti-CD154 Treatment: Intermediate-term Results
Ik Jin Yun, Korea
Conditions and prospects for the NHP non-clinical experiments to initiate clinical trials for partial thickness corneal transplantation in Korea
Ik Jin Yun, Korea Oral
Conditions and prospects for the NHP non-clinical experiments to initiate clinical trials for partial thickness corneal transplantation in Korea
Keon Bong Oh, Korea
Development of ESAM1.0 promoter for targeted gene expression in porcine evascular endothelial cells using transcriptome analysis
Keon Bong Oh, Korea Mini-Oral
Development of ESAM1.0 promoter for targeted gene expression in porcine evascular endothelial cells using transcriptome analysis
Mitra Gultom, Switzerland
Differences in protection from complement and coagulation as well as glycocalyx composition in genetically modified porcine endothelial cells
Mitra Gultom, Switzerland Mini-Oral
Differences in protection from complement and coagulation as well as glycocalyx composition in genetically modified porcine endothelial cells
Brendan Keating, United States
Multi-omic profiling in a human decedent receiving a pig kidney xenograft reveals concerted immune responses preceding a biopsy confirmed rejection event.
Brendan Keating, United States Mini-Oral
Multi-omic profiling in a human decedent receiving a pig kidney xenograft reveals concerted immune responses preceding a biopsy confirmed rejection event.
Bomin Kim, Korea
Molecular incompatibility between pig CD200 and human CD200 receptor in xenogeneic immune responses
Bomin Kim, Korea Mini-Oral
Molecular incompatibility between pig CD200 and human CD200 receptor in xenogeneic immune responses
Hayato Iwase, United States
Porcine islet-after-kidney transplantation in with cure of diabetes and six months of stable graft function in life-supporting pig-to-baboon model
Hayato Iwase, United States Mini-Oral
Porcine islet-after-kidney transplantation in with cure of diabetes and six months of stable graft function in life-supporting pig-to-baboon model
13:40-15:10 Çamlıca
View Abstract Session: Organ preservation and perfusion

Amanda H Loftin, United States
First successful preclinical transplantation following extended subzero porcine kidney preservation with nature inspired cryoprotectants
Amanda H Loftin, United States Oral
First successful preclinical transplantation following extended subzero porcine kidney preservation with nature inspired cryoprotectants
John J. J Fung, United States
Benefit of hypothermic perfusion on kidney graft survival while adding cold ischemia time
John J. J Fung, United States Oral
Benefit of hypothermic perfusion on kidney graft survival while adding cold ischemia time
Franka Messner, Austria
Development of an automated multi-sensor normothermic kidney perfusion device for ex-vivo preservation and assessment
Franka Messner, Austria Oral
Development of an automated multi-sensor normothermic kidney perfusion device for ex-vivo preservation and assessment
Sanjay D Dutta, Australia
Improved recovery of rat hearts after prolonged cold storage by acid sensing ion channel (ASIC) inhibitor Hi1a varies with preservation solution
Sanjay D Dutta, Australia Oral
Improved recovery of rat hearts after prolonged cold storage by acid sensing ion channel (ASIC) inhibitor Hi1a varies with preservation solution
Sila Ozgur, United States
Functional preservation of human livers for 10 days using partial freezing
Sila Ozgur, United States Oral
Functional preservation of human livers for 10 days using partial freezing
Steven A Wisel, United States
Expansion of machine perfusion for liver transplantation in the United States demonstrates increased organ utilization and improved DCD graft survival
Steven A Wisel, United States Oral
Expansion of machine perfusion for liver transplantation in the United States demonstrates increased organ utilization and improved DCD graft survival
Yitian Fang, Netherlands
A simple scoring system during normothermic machine perfusion may salvage kidneys initially declined for transplantation
Yitian Fang, Netherlands Oral
A simple scoring system during normothermic machine perfusion may salvage kidneys initially declined for transplantation
13:40-14:45 Hamidiye
View Workshop: AST (Asia): How transplant policy changes practice?

Haibo Wang, People's Republic of China
China (recorded presentation)
Haibo Wang, People's Republic of China
China (recorded presentation)
In Sung Moon, Korea
South Korea
In Sung Moon, Korea
South Korea
Katayoun Najafizadeh, Iran
Katayoun Najafizadeh, Iran
14:45-15:10 Hamidiye
View Workshop: AST (Asia): Forum on Health literacy and deceased organ donation

Maggie Ma, Hong Kong
Introduction: Perception of brain death in Asia
Maggie Ma, Hong Kong
Introduction: Perception of brain death in Asia

15:10 - 15:25 |  Coffee Break

15:10-15:25 Virtual
Coffee Break

15:25 - 16:25 |  Theme Sessions (TS) and Educational Workshop (EW)

15:25-16:25 Emirgan 1
Emirgan 1
View Thematic Session: Surfing the big data wave

Nicole J Scholes-Robertson, Australia
Patient centred outcomes measures
Nicole J Scholes-Robertson, Australia
Patient centred outcomes measures
Sophie Limou, France
Genomics strategies to redefine histocompatibility and risk stratification
Sophie Limou, France
Genomics strategies to redefine histocompatibility and risk stratification
Carmen Lefaucheur, France
Is AI better than human in predicting post-transplant outcomes?
Carmen Lefaucheur, France
Is AI better than human in predicting post-transplant outcomes?
15:25-16:25 Emirgan 2
Emirgan 2
View Thematic Session: Infection complications in transplantation

Ilan Schwartz, United States
Climate change and Infection - how it affects transplantation
Ilan Schwartz, United States
Climate change and Infection - how it affects transplantation
Sibel Gokcay Bek, Turkey
COVID-19 infections and impact on transplant outcomes in the Middle-East
Sibel Gokcay Bek, Turkey
COVID-19 infections and impact on transplant outcomes in the Middle-East
Deepali Kumar, Canada
Recurrent UTI in solid organ transplant recipient
Deepali Kumar, Canada
Recurrent UTI in solid organ transplant recipient
15:25-16:25 Beylerbeyi 1
Beylerbeyi 1
View Thematic Session: Minimally invasive recipient surgery: The future is here (Liver)

Dieter C. Broering, Saudi Arabia
How far can we expand the indication of Robot-assisted LDLT?
Dieter C. Broering, Saudi Arabia
How far can we expand the indication of Robot-assisted LDLT?
Mohamed Rela, India
Which is better for graft extraction/insertion? Upper midline incision vs, Pfannenstiel incision
Mohamed Rela, India
Which is better for graft extraction/insertion? Upper midline incision vs, Pfannenstiel incision
Kwang-Woong Lee, Korea
Which is better for graft explant and/or graft implantation? Laparoscopic vs. Robot Assisted
Kwang-Woong Lee, Korea
Which is better for graft explant and/or graft implantation? Laparoscopic vs. Robot Assisted
15:25-16:25 Beylerbeyi 2
Beylerbeyi 2
View Workshop: What is cultural safety and how can it improve donation and transplantation care?

Kelli J. Owen, Australia
Importance of culturally safe care in donation and transplantation for First Nations peoples
Kelli J. Owen, Australia
Importance of culturally safe care in donation and transplantation for First Nations peoples
Caroline Tait, Canada
How to improve strengths based approaches to research in transplantation involving First Nations peoples?
Caroline Tait, Canada
How to improve strengths based approaches to research in transplantation involving First Nations peoples?
Discussion Period, Turkey
Panel Discussion
Discussion Period, Turkey
Panel Discussion
15:25-16:25 Hamidiye
View Thematic Session: Regenerative medicine

James Chong, Australia
Regenerative medicine in cardiology
James Chong, Australia
Regenerative medicine in cardiology
Anette Melk, Germany
Overcoming senescence to improve transplant outcome
Anette Melk, Germany
Overcoming senescence to improve transplant outcome
Rui L. Reis, Portugal
Tissue engineering and organ fabrication
Rui L. Reis, Portugal
Tissue engineering and organ fabrication
15:25-16:25 Maçka
View Thematic Session: Patient-centered care

Arvind Nagra, United Kingdom
Ready-Steady-Go/A blueprint for health care transition in Europe?
Arvind Nagra, United Kingdom
Ready-Steady-Go/A blueprint for health care transition in Europe?
Liz Schick, Switzerland
The therapy in wellness, movement and community
Liz Schick, Switzerland
The therapy in wellness, movement and community
Gerardo Reyna, Spain
Shared decision making in post-transplant care
Gerardo Reyna, Spain
Shared decision making in post-transplant care
15:25-16:25 Üsküdar 3
Üsküdar 3
View Thematic Session: Xenotransplantation’s regulatory road to the clinic

Wayne Hawthorne, Australia
History of Xenotransplantation and moving to clinical practice
Wayne Hawthorne, Australia
History of Xenotransplantation and moving to clinical practice
Efstratios (Stratos) Chatzixiros, Switzerland
WHO leadership in developing global strategies for xenotransplantation
Efstratios (Stratos) Chatzixiros, Switzerland
WHO leadership in developing global strategies for xenotransplantation
Leo Hans Buhler, Switzerland
Moving forward to ensure continuing registration of clinical Xenotransplantation
Leo Hans Buhler, Switzerland
Moving forward to ensure continuing registration of clinical Xenotransplantation
Discussion Period, Turkey
Questions from audience
Discussion Period, Turkey
Questions from audience
Antonia W. Godehardt, Germany
Antonia Goderhardt accepting the Xeno Prize Award on behalf of first authors Nicole Fischer and Barbara Gulich
Antonia W. Godehardt, Germany
Antonia Goderhardt accepting the Xeno Prize Award on behalf of first authors Nicole Fischer and Barbara Gulich
15:25-16:25 Çamlıca
View Thematic Session: Normothermic regional perfusion (A-NRP and TA-NRP)

Dale Gardiner, United Kingdom
Implications of NRP and especially TA-NRP for death determination
Dale Gardiner, United Kingdom
Implications of NRP and especially TA-NRP for death determination
Anji Wall, United States
The surgical approach - the US perspective
Anji Wall, United States
The surgical approach - the US perspective
Alicia Pérez, Spain
The surgical approach - the Spanish perspective
Alicia Pérez, Spain
The surgical approach - the Spanish perspective

16:30 - 17:00 |  TTS Business Meeting and Closing Plenary

16:30-17:00 Üsküdar 1&2
Üsküdar 1&2
Thematic Session: TTS Business Meeting
17:00-18:00 Üsküdar 1&2
Üsküdar 1&2
View Plenary Session: Closing Plenary Session

Michelle A Josephson, United States
Pregnancy in solid organ transplant recipients – Current recommendations and controversies
Michelle A Josephson, United States
Pregnancy in solid organ transplant recipients – Current recommendations and controversies
Mehmet A. Haberal, Turkey
Closing Remark from Honorary Congress chair
Mehmet A. Haberal, Turkey
Closing Remark from Honorary Congress chair
Elmi Muller, South Africa
Closing Remark from Congress Chair
Elmi Muller, South Africa
Closing Remark from Congress Chair
John J. J Fung, United States
Presentation of WTC 2025
John J. J Fung, United States
Presentation of WTC 2025
John J. J Fung, United States
Presentation of TTS 2026
John J. J Fung, United States
Presentation of TTS 2026
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