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08:00 - 09:15 |  Early Morning Sessions

08:00-09:15 08:00 Abstract Session: Ethics in organ donation

Carolina Espinosa-Escobar, Mexico
Sociocultural experiences and meanings of kidney transplant in Mexican patients: A qualitative study
Carolina Espinosa-Escobar, Mexico
Sociocultural experiences and meanings of kidney transplant in Mexican patients: A qualitative study
08:00-09:15 08:00 Abstract Session: Lung translational

Sandra Lindstedt, Sweden
Rodent-Powered Lung Rejuvenation: Mitochondrial Xenotransplantation in Ex Vivo Lung Perfusion to Combat Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury
Sandra Lindstedt, Sweden
Rodent-Powered Lung Rejuvenation: Mitochondrial Xenotransplantation in Ex Vivo Lung Perfusion to Combat Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury
Sandra Lindstedt, Sweden
Cytokine adsorption is associated with decreased primary graft dysfunction in lungtransplanation; LUSorb a randomized controlled trail
Sandra Lindstedt, Sweden
Cytokine adsorption is associated with decreased primary graft dysfunction in lungtransplanation; LUSorb a randomized controlled trail
Mayara Munhoz de Assis Ramos, Brazil
Effects of ventilation during warm ischemia in a model of ex vivo lung perfusion in sheep
Mayara Munhoz de Assis Ramos, Brazil
Effects of ventilation during warm ischemia in a model of ex vivo lung perfusion in sheep
08:00-09:00 08:00 Morning Industry Symposium
08:00-09:15 08:00 Kidney Pre-Transplant Management

Steven J. Chadban, Australia
Cardiac screening pre-transplant
Steven J. Chadban, Australia
Cardiac screening pre-transplant
Babak Orandi, United States
Obesogenic medication use in end-stage kidney disease and association with transplant listing
Babak Orandi, United States
Obesogenic medication use in end-stage kidney disease and association with transplant listing
08:00-09:15 08:00 Kidney Transplant - Donor and Recipient Issues

Matthew Cooper, United States
Matthew Cooper, United States
Alessandro Del Gobbo, Italy
Kidney transplant from DCD donation: A novel pre-transplant combined clinico-pathological predictive score
Alessandro Del Gobbo, Italy
Kidney transplant from DCD donation: A novel pre-transplant combined clinico-pathological predictive score
08:00-09:15 08:00 Novel therapeutics and immunosuppression strategies

Maria-Luisa Alegre, United States
Microbiome modification for immune regulation
Maria-Luisa Alegre, United States
Microbiome modification for immune regulation
Jose Ignacio Valenzuela, Argentina
The role of interleukin 27 in donor specific alloantibody responses
Jose Ignacio Valenzuela, Argentina
The role of interleukin 27 in donor specific alloantibody responses
08:00-09:15 08:00 Liver cancer
08:00-09:15 08:00 Living donation

Ali B Abbasi, United States
Project donor: A national intervention to improve the health of living organ donors
Ali B Abbasi, United States
Project donor: A national intervention to improve the health of living organ donors

09:15 - 09:30 |  Coffee Break

09:15-09:30 09:15 Grab and Go Break
09:30-10:30 09:30 Complications in transplantation

Leandro Luis Sierra Carrero, United States
Diabetes is associated with higher mortality in liver transplant recipients with hepatocellular carcinoma
Leandro Luis Sierra Carrero, United States
Diabetes is associated with higher mortality in liver transplant recipients with hepatocellular carcinoma

09:30 - 10:30 |  Abstracts Sessions (AS) and Educational Workshop (EW)

09:30-10:30 09:30 Kidney Surgical
09:30-10:30 09:30 Kidney Acute Rejection and Diagnostics

Antonio Franco Esteve, Spain
Evaluation of 4 different initial doses of envarsus in renal transplant recipients de novo. Is there overdose?
Antonio Franco Esteve, Spain
Evaluation of 4 different initial doses of envarsus in renal transplant recipients de novo. Is there overdose?
Antonio Franco Esteve, Spain
Real world bioequivalence of prolonged release formulations of tacrolimus in renal transplant recipients. Is a determination needed before switching among them?
Antonio Franco Esteve, Spain
Real world bioequivalence of prolonged release formulations of tacrolimus in renal transplant recipients. Is a determination needed before switching among them?
Zehra Dhanani, United States
Surveillance bronchoscopy: Key in early detection of acute cellular rejection in lung transplant recipients
Zehra Dhanani, United States
Surveillance bronchoscopy: Key in early detection of acute cellular rejection in lung transplant recipients
09:30-10:30 09:30 Transcriptomics and genomics-biomarkers

Jianing Fu, United States
Immune profiling of donor and recipient γδ T cells after human intestinal transplantation reveals their roles in lymphohematopoietic graft-versus-host responses and graft rejection
Jianing Fu, United States
Immune profiling of donor and recipient γδ T cells after human intestinal transplantation reveals their roles in lymphohematopoietic graft-versus-host responses and graft rejection
miRNA disparities in kidney transplant recipients: Responders vs. non-responders to the three-dose vaccine regimen
miRNA disparities in kidney transplant recipients: Responders vs. non-responders to the three-dose vaccine regimen
Sadr ul Shaheed, United Kingdom
Multi-Omics approach to identify the molecular signature of primary non function prior to transplantation in deceased donor kidneys
Sadr ul Shaheed, United Kingdom
Multi-Omics approach to identify the molecular signature of primary non function prior to transplantation in deceased donor kidneys
Manuela B Almeida, Portugal
Exploring metabolic changes in living kidney donors before and after donation: A comparative analysis
Manuela B Almeida, Portugal
Exploring metabolic changes in living kidney donors before and after donation: A comparative analysis
Jiang Liu, Hong Kong
TLR4-mediated mucosal autoimmunity facilitates gut-derived invasive candidiasis via microfold cell impairment after liver transplantation.
Jiang Liu, Hong Kong
TLR4-mediated mucosal autoimmunity facilitates gut-derived invasive candidiasis via microfold cell impairment after liver transplantation.
09:30-10:30 09:30 Liver quality & live donor
09:30-10:30 09:30 Technology and performance

Kyle Jackson, United States
Improving outcomes of transplants using high Kidney Donor Profile Index kidneys through donor-recipient matching
Kyle Jackson, United States
Improving outcomes of transplants using high Kidney Donor Profile Index kidneys through donor-recipient matching
Nicole Ferguson, United States
Increasing organ donors and transplants via interoperability
Nicole Ferguson, United States
Increasing organ donors and transplants via interoperability
Ehsan Radi, Iran
The effects of 15 golden key points to increase the family consent rate in Iran
Ehsan Radi, Iran
The effects of 15 golden key points to increase the family consent rate in Iran
Alp Demirag, United States
Importance of malnutrition and frailty in kidney transplant waiting list
Alp Demirag, United States
Importance of malnutrition and frailty in kidney transplant waiting list
09:30-10:30 09:30 Strategies to prevent infections in transplant recipients

10:40 - 12:10 |  Plenary Session

10:40-12:10 10:40 Plenary Session: President's Plenary Session

Ruth Sapir-Pichhadze, Canada
Embracing equity, diversity & inclusion principles to improve access and outcomes of solid organ transplantation
Ruth Sapir-Pichhadze, Canada
Embracing equity, diversity & inclusion principles to improve access and outcomes of solid organ transplantation

12:10 - 13:40 |  Lunch Break

12:25-13:25 12:25 Lunch Industry Symposium
12:25-13:25 12:25 Experts/Mentors: Lunch with the Experts / Mentors

Fadi Issa, United Kingdom
Expert: Transplant Immunology
Fadi Issa, United Kingdom
Expert: Transplant Immunology
Sang Joseph Kim, Canada
Expert: Kidney Registries
Sang Joseph Kim, Canada
Expert: Kidney Registries
Faissal Shaheen, Saudi Arabia
Faissal Shaheen, Saudi Arabia
Roslyn B. Mannon, United States
Roslyn B. Mannon, United States
Anette Melk, Germany
Anette Melk, Germany
Germaine Wong, Australia
Germaine Wong, Australia

13:40 - 15:10 |  Abstracts Sessions (AS) and Educational Workshop (EW)

13:40-15:10 13:40 Kidney Post-transplant Management Issues

Mohammad Ghnaimat, Jordan
Mohammad Ghnaimat, Jordan
Marina Vidal dos Santos, Brazil
17beta-estradiol and methylprednisolone treatment during isolated kidney perfusion has beneficial effects in brain dead females but not in male rats
Marina Vidal dos Santos, Brazil
17beta-estradiol and methylprednisolone treatment during isolated kidney perfusion has beneficial effects in brain dead females but not in male rats
Liang Wu, Netherlands
Polarized HLA class I expression on renal tubules hinders the detection of donor-specific urinary extracellular vesicles
Liang Wu, Netherlands
Polarized HLA class I expression on renal tubules hinders the detection of donor-specific urinary extracellular vesicles
13:40-15:10 13:40 Kidney Outcomes and Complications 2

Faissal Shaheen, Saudi Arabia
Rejection post-transplant
Faissal Shaheen, Saudi Arabia
Rejection post-transplant
Yasushi Mochizuki, Japan
Clinical study of the importance of IgG level in kidney transplant recipient
Yasushi Mochizuki, Japan
Clinical study of the importance of IgG level in kidney transplant recipient
Erol Demir, Turkey
Does de novo malignancy increase the risk of rejection in kidney transplant recipients?
Erol Demir, Turkey
Does de novo malignancy increase the risk of rejection in kidney transplant recipients?
Antonio Franco Esteve, Spain
Pre-emptive first deceased donor renal transplant: A matched cohort study
Antonio Franco Esteve, Spain
Pre-emptive first deceased donor renal transplant: A matched cohort study
13:40-15:10 13:40 Tregs and tolerance

Alexandra Sharland, Australia
Sequestration of tissue-resident alloreactive T cells after intrahepatic activation contributes to tolerance induction
Alexandra Sharland, Australia
Sequestration of tissue-resident alloreactive T cells after intrahepatic activation contributes to tolerance induction
Yaxun HUANG, United States
Cellular and molecular mechanisms that tolerize donor and host reactive T cells in MHC-mismatched mixed chimeras
Yaxun HUANG, United States
Cellular and molecular mechanisms that tolerize donor and host reactive T cells in MHC-mismatched mixed chimeras
Jinren Zhou, People's Republic of China
CD38 promotes regulatory T cells survival by activating the calcium/Ras/GGT1 pathway to reduce ROS and induce post-transplant immune tolerance
Jinren Zhou, People's Republic of China
CD38 promotes regulatory T cells survival by activating the calcium/Ras/GGT1 pathway to reduce ROS and induce post-transplant immune tolerance
13:40-15:10 13:40 Organ preservation and perfusion

Amanda H Loftin, United States
First successful preclinical transplantation following extended subzero porcine kidney preservation with nature inspired cryoprotectants
Amanda H Loftin, United States
First successful preclinical transplantation following extended subzero porcine kidney preservation with nature inspired cryoprotectants
13:40-15:10 13:40 Global perspective in transplant education

Ehtuish Farag Ehtuish, Libya
Reinvigorating Organ Transplantation in Libya: A Personal Journey Through Health Reform and Its Impact
Ehtuish Farag Ehtuish, Libya
Reinvigorating Organ Transplantation in Libya: A Personal Journey Through Health Reform and Its Impact
Tomoko Asai, Japan
Creating ethical dilemma teaching material on organ transplants for junior and high school education
Tomoko Asai, Japan
Creating ethical dilemma teaching material on organ transplants for junior and high school education
Jacek Zawierucha, Poland
Second life social campaign as a method for SOT donors pool increase – 16 years of experience in Poland
Jacek Zawierucha, Poland
Second life social campaign as a method for SOT donors pool increase – 16 years of experience in Poland
Burak Kocak, Turkey
Implementing a robot-assisted kidney transplant program for transplant surgeons with no robotic surgery background: How are we doing so far?
Burak Kocak, Turkey
Implementing a robot-assisted kidney transplant program for transplant surgeons with no robotic surgery background: How are we doing so far?
13:40-15:10 13:40 Islet transplantation

Atharva Kale, Australia
Targeting CD47 improves islet function and survival
Atharva Kale, Australia
Targeting CD47 improves islet function and survival
Kaoru Okada, Japan
Human amniotic epithelial cell-islet co-transplantation promotes islet engraftment by suppressing inflammation
Kaoru Okada, Japan
Human amniotic epithelial cell-islet co-transplantation promotes islet engraftment by suppressing inflammation
13:40-15:10 13:40 Xenotransplantation 2

Ik Jin Yun, Korea
Conditions and prospects for the NHP non-clinical experiments to initiate clinical trials for partial thickness corneal transplantation in Korea
Ik Jin Yun, Korea
Conditions and prospects for the NHP non-clinical experiments to initiate clinical trials for partial thickness corneal transplantation in Korea
Brendan Keating, United States
Multi-omic profiling in a human decedent receiving a pig kidney xenograft reveals concerted immune responses preceding a biopsy confirmed rejection event.
Brendan Keating, United States
Multi-omic profiling in a human decedent receiving a pig kidney xenograft reveals concerted immune responses preceding a biopsy confirmed rejection event.
Bomin Kim, Korea
Molecular incompatibility between pig CD200 and human CD200 receptor in xenogeneic immune responses
Bomin Kim, Korea
Molecular incompatibility between pig CD200 and human CD200 receptor in xenogeneic immune responses
Hayato Iwase, United States
Porcine islet-after-kidney transplantation in with cure of diabetes and six months of stable graft function in life-supporting pig-to-baboon model
Hayato Iwase, United States
Porcine islet-after-kidney transplantation in with cure of diabetes and six months of stable graft function in life-supporting pig-to-baboon model
13:40-15:10 13:40 Educational Workshop: 'Asking difficult questions during difficult times’ - Complex choices and practical challenges of consent

John Forsythe, United Kingdom
Introduction to the session
John Forsythe, United Kingdom
Introduction to the session
David Thomson, South Africa
Introducing the option of donation for research – keeping it simple
David Thomson, South Africa
Introducing the option of donation for research – keeping it simple
Claire Gordon, Australia
Establishing a research biobank in the context of donation for transplantation - managing information overload
Claire Gordon, Australia
Establishing a research biobank in the context of donation for transplantation - managing information overload
Farrah Raza, United Kingdom
Consent for deceased donor transplantation – ensuring validity
Farrah Raza, United Kingdom
Consent for deceased donor transplantation – ensuring validity
Discussion Period, Turkey
Panel discussions and Q&A
Discussion Period, Turkey
Panel discussions and Q&A
Karen Rockell, United Kingdom
Panel discussant
Karen Rockell, United Kingdom
Panel discussant
Pisana Ferrari, Italy
Panel discussant
Pisana Ferrari, Italy
Panel discussant

15:10 - 15:25 |  Coffee Break

15:10-15:25 15:10 Coffee Break

15:25 - 16:25 |  Theme Sessions (TS) and Educational Workshop (EW)

15:25-16:25 15:25 Thematic Session: Surfing the big data wave

Nicole J Scholes-Robertson, Australia
Patient centred outcomes measures
Nicole J Scholes-Robertson, Australia
Patient centred outcomes measures
Sophie Limou, France
Genomics strategies to redefine histocompatibility and risk stratification
Sophie Limou, France
Genomics strategies to redefine histocompatibility and risk stratification
Carmen Lefaucheur, France
Is AI better than human in predicting post-transplant outcomes?
Carmen Lefaucheur, France
Is AI better than human in predicting post-transplant outcomes?
15:25-16:25 15:25 Thematic Session: Regenerative medicine

James Chong, Australia
Regenerative medicine in cardiology
James Chong, Australia
Regenerative medicine in cardiology
Anette Melk, Germany
Overcoming senescence to improve transplant outcome
Anette Melk, Germany
Overcoming senescence to improve transplant outcome
Rui L. Reis, Portugal
Tissue engineering and organ fabrication
Rui L. Reis, Portugal
Tissue engineering and organ fabrication
15:25-16:25 15:25 Thematic Session: Patient-centered care

Arvind Nagra, United Kingdom
Ready-Steady-Go/A blueprint for health care transition in Europe?
Arvind Nagra, United Kingdom
Ready-Steady-Go/A blueprint for health care transition in Europe?
Liz Schick, Switzerland
The therapy in wellness, movement and community
Liz Schick, Switzerland
The therapy in wellness, movement and community
Gerardo Reyna, Spain
Shared decision making in post-transplant care
Gerardo Reyna, Spain
Shared decision making in post-transplant care
15:25-16:25 15:25 Thematic Session: Normothermic regional perfusion (A-NRP and TA-NRP)

Dale Gardiner, United Kingdom
Implications of NRP and especially TA-NRP for death determination
Dale Gardiner, United Kingdom
Implications of NRP and especially TA-NRP for death determination
Anji Wall, United States
The surgical approach - the US perspective
Anji Wall, United States
The surgical approach - the US perspective
Alicia Pérez, Spain
The surgical approach - the Spanish perspective
Alicia Pérez, Spain
The surgical approach - the Spanish perspective
15:25-16:25 15:25 Thematic Session: Infection complications in transplantation

Ilan Schwartz, United States
Climate change and Infection - how it affects transplantation
Ilan Schwartz, United States
Climate change and Infection - how it affects transplantation
Sibel Gokcay Bek, Turkey
COVID-19 infections and impact on transplant outcomes in the Middle-East
Sibel Gokcay Bek, Turkey
COVID-19 infections and impact on transplant outcomes in the Middle-East
Deepali Kumar, Canada
Recurrent UTI in solid organ transplant recipient
Deepali Kumar, Canada
Recurrent UTI in solid organ transplant recipient
15:25-16:25 15:25 Thematic Session: Minimally invasive recipient surgery: The future is here (Liver)

Dieter C. Broering, Saudi Arabia
How far can we expand the indication of Robot-assisted LDLT?
Dieter C. Broering, Saudi Arabia
How far can we expand the indication of Robot-assisted LDLT?
Mohamed Rela, India
Which is better for graft extraction/insertion? Upper midline incision vs, Pfannenstiel incision
Mohamed Rela, India
Which is better for graft extraction/insertion? Upper midline incision vs, Pfannenstiel incision
Kwang-Woong Lee, Korea
Which is better for graft explant and/or graft implantation? Laparoscopic vs. Robot Assisted
Kwang-Woong Lee, Korea
Which is better for graft explant and/or graft implantation? Laparoscopic vs. Robot Assisted
15:25-16:25 15:25 Thematic Session: Xenotransplantation’s regulatory road to the clinic

Wayne Hawthorne, Australia
History of Xenotransplantation and moving to clinical practice
Wayne Hawthorne, Australia
History of Xenotransplantation and moving to clinical practice
Efstratios (Stratos) Chatzixiros, Switzerland
WHO leadership in developing global strategies for xenotransplantation
Efstratios (Stratos) Chatzixiros, Switzerland
WHO leadership in developing global strategies for xenotransplantation
Leo Hans Buhler, Switzerland
Moving forward to ensure continuing registration of clinical Xenotransplantation
Leo Hans Buhler, Switzerland
Moving forward to ensure continuing registration of clinical Xenotransplantation
Discussion Period, Turkey
Questions from audience
Discussion Period, Turkey
Questions from audience
15:25-16:25 15:25 Educational Workshop: What is cultural safety and how can it improve donation and transplantation care?

Kelli J. Owen, Australia
Importance of culturally safe care in donation and transplantation for First Nations peoples
Kelli J. Owen, Australia
Importance of culturally safe care in donation and transplantation for First Nations peoples
Samantha Bateman, Australia
Co-presenting with Kelli J. Owen
Samantha Bateman, Australia
Co-presenting with Kelli J. Owen
Caroline Tait, Canada
How to improve strengths based approaches to research in transplantation involving First Nations peoples?
Caroline Tait, Canada
How to improve strengths based approaches to research in transplantation involving First Nations peoples?

16:30 - 17:00 |  TTS Business Meeting and Closing Plenary

16:30-17:00 16:30 Plenary Session: TTS Business Meeting
17:00-18:00 17:00 Plenary Session: Closing Plenary Session

Michelle Josephson, United States
Pregnancy in solid organ transplant recipients – Current recommendations and controversies
Michelle Josephson, United States
Pregnancy in solid organ transplant recipients – Current recommendations and controversies
Zofeen Ebrahim, Pakistan
Through the Lens: A Journalist's perspective and experience in raising awareness on organ donation and transplantation
Zofeen Ebrahim, Pakistan
Through the Lens: A Journalist's perspective and experience in raising awareness on organ donation and transplantation
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