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Abstract Session
Lung translational

Wednesday September 25, 2024 | 08:00 to 09:15
Room: Emirgan 2
Track: N/A

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Dr. Franziska Olm, Sweden Oral
Rodent-Powered Lung Rejuvenation: Mitochondrial Xenotransplantation in Ex Vivo Lung Perfusion to Combat Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury

Mr. Darren Stewart, United States Oral
Timing is (Almost) Everything: The Relationship Between Deceased Donor PaO2/FiO2 Ratio and Lung Graft Survival

Prof. Sandra Lindstedt, Sweden Oral
Cytokine adsorption is associated with decreased primary graft dysfunction in lungtransplanation; LUSorb a randomized controlled trail

Miss Mayara Munhoz de Assis Ramos, Brazil Oral
Effects of ventilation during warm ischemia in a model of ex vivo lung perfusion in sheep

Dr. Stephen P Wall, United States Oral
Lung uDCD protocol refinement in partnership with clinical, regulatory, and community stakeholders in New York City

Mr. Steven J Hiho, Australia Oral
Association of Non-HLA autoantibodies and CLAD following Lung Transplantation

Dr. Alonso J Marquez, United States Mini-Oral
Surveillance bronchoscopy: Key in early detection of acute cellular rejection in lung transplant recipients

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