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Thematic Session
Minimally invasive recipient surgery: The future is here (Liver)

Wednesday September 25, 2024 | 15:25 to 16:25
Room: Beylerbeyi 1
Track: N/A

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This session aims to introduce the recent updates in minimally invasive recipient surgery which is the state-of-the art surgery in liver transplantation. The optimal indication and surgical tips will be introduced by world-wide experts.


Dieter C. Broering, Saudi Arabia
How far can we expand the indication of Robot-assisted LDLT?

Prof. Mohamed Rela, India
Which is better for graft extraction/insertion? Upper midline incision vs, Pfannenstiel incision

Kwang-Woong Lee, Korea
Which is better for graft explant and/or graft implantation? Laparoscopic vs. Robot Assisted

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