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Abstract Session
Kidney Surgical 2

Wednesday September 25, 2024 | 09:30 to 10:30
Room: Emirgan 1
Track: N/A

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Dr. Dzhabrail Saydulaev, Russian Federation Mini-Oral
Kidney transplantation in children with compromised inferior vena cava

Salwa AlRemeithi, United Arab Emirates Mini-Oral
Utilization of the recipient inferior epigastric artery for the anastomosis to the accessory lower polar artery of the donor kidney is a viable and safe option during kidney transplantation

Dr. Nasika Venkata Kanaka Naga Karthik, India Mini-Oral
A prospective comparative study assessing learning curve of trainee surgeons in total laparoscopic versus hand assisted laparoscopic donor nephrectomy

Bridget Vaughan, United States Mini-Oral
International graft preservation practices and anastomosis time impacting delayed graft function in kidney transplantation

Dr. Tolga Zeydanli, Turkey Mini-Oral
Retrograde fluoroscopy guided double J stent removal procedures in kidney transplant patients

Dr. Syeda Hurmath, India Mini-Oral
Octreotide: Bursting the bubble of lymphoceles in renal transplant recipients

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