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Abstract Session
Kidney Outcomes and Complications 2

Wednesday September 25, 2024 | 13:40 to 15:10
Room: Beyazıt
Track: N/A

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Owen Ng, Australia Mini-Oral
Longitudinal assessment of health-related quality of life in patients with chronic kidney disease

Dr. Yasushi Mochizuki, Japan Mini-Oral
Clinical study of the importance of IgG level in kidney transplant recipient

Dr. Nida Saleem, Australia Mini-Oral
Reported cancer screening practices by healthcare professionals for kidney transplant candidates and recipients

Aydın Turkmen, Turkey Mini-Oral
Does de novo malignancy increase the risk of rejection in kidney transplant recipients?

Dr. Nuria Montero Perez, Spain Mini-Oral
Immunosuppressive drug combinations after kidney transplantation and post-transplant diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Michiko Shimada, Japan Mini-Oral
Efficacy and safety of 6-month sacubitril/valsartan administration in post-renal transplant patients; possibly contribution to long-term graft survival?

Dr. Antonio Franco Esteve, Spain Mini-Oral
Pre-emptive first deceased donor renal transplant: A matched cohort study

Dr. Laia Oliveras, Spain Mini-Oral
Delayed initiation or reduced initial dose of calcineurin-inhibitors for kidney transplant recipients: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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