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TTS-Vitallink: Strengthening deceased organ transplantation capacity in LMICs - Part 1

Wednesday September 25, 2024 | 08:00 to 09:15
Room: Hamidiye
Track: N/A

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“Strengthening Deceased Organ Transplantation Capacity in LMICs,” includes presentations on building transplantation teams, developing hospital infrastructure, and key strategies for establishing deceased organ transplantation systems. A panel will discuss legal frameworks, public awareness, and access for refugees and will include an open discussion.


Curie Ahn Dr., Korea
How to build a deceased organ transplantation team in LMICs?

Dr. Katayoun Najafizadeh, Iran
How can hospital infrastructure for deceased organ transplantation be established in LMICs?

Dr. Chloe Ballesté Delpierre, Spain
Establishing a system for deceased organ transplantation in LMICs: Strategies and considerations

Prof. Masumbuko Y Mwashambwa, Tanzania, United Republic of
Panel discussion: Critical issues law and regulations

Dr. Pandaan Batchuluun, Mongolia
Panel discussion: Critical issues public awareness

Alejandro Nino-Murcia, Colombia
Panel discussion: Critical issues access for Venezuelan refugees

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