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Abstract Session
Kidney Acute Rejection and Diagnostics

Wednesday September 25, 2024 | 09:30 to 10:30
Room: Beyazıt
Track: N/A

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Dr. Eun Sung Jeong, Korea Rapid-Fire
The Effect of Steroid Pulse Therapy for the Reduction of Acute Rejection Episode in Subclinical Borderline Changes: An Open-Label, Randomized Clinical Trial

Dr. Jinghong Tan, People's Republic of China Rapid-Fire
Post-transplantation dynamics of non-HLA antibodies and early panel intensity as predictors of ABMR in kidney transplantation

Dr. Shubham Dubey, India Rapid-Fire
Anti-MICA Antibodies and Graft Outcomes in Kidney Transplant Recipients

Dr. Debdeep Mondal, India Rapid-Fire
A prospective observational study to assess the role of donor derived cell free DNA (dd-cfDNA) in predicting active rejection in renal allograft recipients

Prof. Ara Cho, Korea Rapid-Fire
Donor-derived cell-free DNA identifies subclinical antibody-mediated rejection in de novo donor-specific antibody-positive kidney transplant recipients

Dr. Paula van Appeldorn, Austria Rapid-Fire
Perioperative immunoabsorption in immunized kidney transplant recipients leads to higher graft survival rates

Dr. Cherin Champannoor, India Rapid-Fire
Our unique experience with low dose Alemtuzumab as induction agent in renal transplantation

Dr. Maria del Carmen Rial, Argentina Rapid-Fire
Borderline (BL) rejection on renal recipients. Is steroid treatment enough to resolve it?

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