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Abstract Session
Living donation

Wednesday September 25, 2024 | 08:00 to 09:15
Room: Beylerbeyi 2
Track: N/A

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Hatem Amer, United States Invited Speaker
Bone health long after donating a kidney

Elizabeth R Nies, United States Oral
A liver for a kidney: donor and professional attitudes toward trans-organ exchange

Dr. Ali B Abbasi, United States Oral
Project donor: A national intervention to improve the health of living organ donors

Mirjam Laging, Netherlands Oral
Beyond kidney donation: Unveiling predictors of long-term kidney function in living donors

Prof. Jongman Kim, Korea Mini-Oral
Emergent living donor liver transplantation from Korean National Data

Dr. Ilya Kantsedikas, United Kingdom Mini-Oral
Variation in global living donor liver transplant surgical technique – early data from the International Living Donor Liver Transplant Registry (LDLTregistry.org)

Dr. Tariq Ali, Saudi Arabia Mini-Oral
Correlating urinalysis findings with histopathology in potential kidney donors exhibiting microscopic hematuria

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