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Abstract Session
Ethics in organ donation

Wednesday September 25, 2024 | 08:00 to 09:15
Room: Maçka
Track: N/A

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Prof. Riadh A.S. Fadhil, Qatar Invited Speaker
Improving deceased organ donation among muslim living globally

Dr. Hari Shankar Meshram, India Mini-Oral
A multicenter retrospective cohort study of Indian experience with the kidney paired donation transplantation

Prof. Nikolina Bašić Jukić, Croatia Mini-Oral
Kidney transplantation in patients with intellectual disability

Sue Hyon Kim, United States Mini-Oral
Harm reduction approach: An ethical proposal for liver transplant recipients with alcohol-associated liver disease

Dr. Pablo E Centeno, Argentina Rapid-Fire
Method to evaluate the loss of donors in the provinces of the Argentine Republic and establish policies that increase procurement

Dr. Ercan Avci, United States Rapid-Fire
The need for rethinking about kidney donation systems

Mrs. Carolina Espinosa-Escobar, Mexico Rapid-Fire
Sociocultural experiences and meanings of kidney transplant in Mexican patients: A qualitative study

Ms. Pallavi Kumar, India Rapid-Fire
Enhancing healthcare equity: Public-private partnerships for organ donation and transplantation in underserved areas of North-East India

Prof. Arzu Kader Harmancı Seren, Turkey Rapid-Fire
A review on investigating the effect of consent systems on organ donation rates

Dr. Fernando A. Giron Luque Sr., Colombia Rapid-Fire
Mapping the Landscape: A Bibliometric Analysis of Organ Transplantation Research in Colombia

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