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'Asking difficult questions during difficult times’ - Complex choices and practical challenges of consent

Wednesday September 25, 2024 | 13:40 to 15:10
Room: Beylerbeyi 2
Track: N/A

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This workshop will focus on practical, ethical and legal complexities of seeking consent in the setting of deceased donation of organs and tissues for research and transplantation of deceased donor organs. Three talks will address common challenges such as the need to satisfy standards for valid consent while avoiding overburdening decision-makings with potentially unnecessary information due to periods of significant emotional stress or distress. Examples of approaches taken in different settings to manage the practicalities of consent will be explored and a panel discussion will examine key questions aimed at providing general guidance for how to manage ethical and practical dilemmas of consent in a range of contexts.


Prof. Dominique Martin, Australia
Introduction to the session

Prof. David Thomson, South Africa
Introducing the option of donation for research – keeping it simple

Dr. Claire Gordon, Australia
Establishing a research biobank in the context of donation for transplantation - managing information overload

Dr. Farrah Raza, United Kingdom
Consent for deceased donor transplantation – ensuring validity

Discussion Period, Turkey
Panel discussions and Q&A

Dr. Nicole J Scholes-Robertson, Australia
Panel discussant

Ms. Liz Schick, Switzerland
Panel discussant

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