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Infectious Diseases / Covid

Room: Virtual
Track: N/A


Dr. Sunny Malde, India
Human Leukocyte Antigen Distribution Among Kidney Transplant Donors and Recipients: Data from Central Indian Region

Dr. Pranjal Kashiv, India
Kidney Transplantation in Patients with Complement Gene Mutations: A Single-Centre Experience from Central India

Dr. Shubham Dubey, India
Profile of Tuberculosis in Kidney Transplant Recipients: A Single Centre Experience from Central India

Dr. Rihem DAHMANE, Tunisia
Tuberculosis in kidney transplant patients: a Tunisian single center experience

Jeffrey P Orlowski, United States
Kidney Transplantation Using Renal Grafts From A DCD Donor Who Had Previously Received A Bilateral Lung Transplant

Jeffrey P Orlowski, United States
Dynamic trends in deceased donor kidney utilization: Unraveling discard rates and KDPI shifts across pre-COVID, COVID, and post-COVID eras

Dr. Abdul Khalique, Pakistan
To evaluate the outcomes of right sided laparoscopic donor nephrectomy in Pakistani kidney donors

Dr. Abdul Khalique, Pakistan
The outcomes of renal transplantation during the covid-19 pandemic. Is it worth doing?

Dr. Osama Gheith, Egypt
COVID-19 Positive Kidney Transplant Recipients behave differently compared to non-transplant patients’ ICU: single center experience.

Dr. Osama Gheith, Egypt
Add-on Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation in critically ill COVID-19 positive patients: risk factors and predictors of survival.

Dr. Aygul Celtik, Turkey
Recurrence of AA amyloidosis in kidney transplant recipients

Dr. Aygul Celtik, Turkey
Covid-19 infection in a large cohort of kidney transplant recipients from a single center

Dr. Marcos Vinicius de Sousa, Brazil
Kidney and liver transplant recipients with donor-derived tuberculosis: case report and literature review

Dr. Marcos Vinicius de Sousa, Brazil
Covid-19 infection among renal transplant recipients, from 2020 to 2022. Differences over time and effect of vaccine.

Dr. Marcos Vinicius de Sousa, Brazil
Mortality in Covid-19 renal transplant recipients: Effects of gender. Single center analysis, 2020-2022.

Dr. Sudeep Desai, India
A nationwide report of long term covid-19 sequalae in kidney transplant recipients: Largest report from India

Dr. MD Masud Iqbal, Bangladesh
Immune Response after 2 doses of Vaccine against Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Corona Virus 2 (SARS Cov-2) Infection among Patients of Renal Transplantation

Ines Ushiro-Lumb, United Kingdom
Identification of risk of malaria and selective post-transplant testing of deceased organ donors in the UK

Dr. Osama Gheith, Egypt
Assessment Of Tacrolimus-Based Vs. Cyclosporine-Based Maintenance Immunosuppressive Regimens Among Living Donor Kidney Transplant Recipients With Low Immunological Risk: Single Centre Experience.

Dr. Osama Gheith, Egypt
Comparison between Tacrolimus-based and cyclosporine-based maintenance immunosuppressive regimens in kidney transplant recipients with functioning grafts beyond 15 years

Dr. Michael J O'Leary, Australia
Heart transplantation following medically assisted dying using ex situ normothermic machine perfusion

Dr. Poramed Winichakoon, Canada
Which immunodeficiency status has greater risks of poor pneumocystic pneumonia outcomes than other immunocompromised populations?

Dr. Beauty Suman, India
Fungal Fiasco! Unraveling graft pyelonephritis in early post renal transplant

Dr. Khishgee Tseren, Mongolia
Covid-19 infection outcomes of the kidney transplant recipients in Mongolia

Dr. Khishgee Tseren, Mongolia
Urinary tract infection graft outcomes in kidney transplanted patient in Mongolia

Dr. Muhammad Tassaduq Khan, Pakistan
Renal vascular disparities among kidney donors, a reterospective study

Dr. Muhammad Tassaduq Khan, Pakistan
Frequency of urinary tract infection by multi-drug resistance organisms and its effect on graft function in renal transplant recipients

Prof. Nada Kanaan, Belgium
Diabetes mellitus as a risk factor for urinary tract infections in kidney transplant recipients

Dr. Sunil Kumar Dodani, Pakistan
Is not treating ≤3000 IU /ml of Cytomegalovirus viremia safe in living donor R+D+ renal transplant recipients?

Prof. Mohamed Mongi Bacha, Tunisia
Mortality risk factors and survival outcomes of patients on the kidney transplant waiting list in Tunisia

Prof. Mohamed Mongi Bacha, Tunisia
Access to kidney transplantation for patients on the deceased donor waiting list in Tunisia: a single-center study

Prof. Mohamed Mongi Bacha, Tunisia
Impact of the 2011 Tunisian revolution on kidney transplantation accessibility from waiting list: a single center study

Dr. ravichandran Palani, India
Modified Double Filtration Plasmapheresis (mDFPP) as a Cost-Effective Alternative to Therapeutic Plasma Exchange (TPE) and DFPP in Low-Resource Settings

Dr. Dharanidhar reddy Yarramachu, India
Impact of covid-19 pandemic on thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA) and graft dysfunction in kidney transplant recipients: A case for heightened vigilance

Prof. Esra Baskin, Turkey
Viral infections in pediatric kidney transplant recipients: Impact on graft function, risk factors, and patient outcomes

Mrs. Kimberly H Davis, United States
Multinational, retrospective study assessing treatment patterns, outcomes, and healthcare resource utilization in solid organ transplant recipients with cytomegalovirus infection and intolerance to anti-cytomegalovirus treatments

Dr. Dorina Rama Esendagli, Turkey
Respiratory multiplex PCR could predict morbidity and mortality in solid organ transplant patients

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