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P.139 Covid-19 infection outcomes of the kidney transplant recipients in Mongolia

Khishgee Tseren, Mongolia

First central hospital of Mongolia in Organ transplantation center
First central hospital of Mongolia


Covid-19 infection outcomes of the kidney transplant recipients in Mongolia

Khishgee Tseren1, Od-Erdene Lkhaakhuu1, Javkhlantugs Dondog1, Bayarbaatar Lamid-Ochir1, Ariunbold Jamba1, Sarantsetseg Jigjidsuren1, Oyunbileg Banzragch1, Batsaikhan Batsuur1, Ganbold Gantulga1, Erdenesaikhan Mendsaikhan1, Bayan-Undur Dagvadorj1.

1Organ transplantation center , First central hospital of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Introduction: The number of deaths due to the covid-19 pandemic is 649.9 per 1 million people globally, and 542 cases per 1 million people are recorded in Mongolia.This study was conducted because the prognosis of kidney transplant recipients after treatment for covid-19 infection has not been studied in Mongolia.
Methods: This study was held between period from 15 March 2021 to 01 Nov 2021 in the Transplantation Center of First Central Hospital. 105 (37.7%) of 278 recipients of kidney transplant patients were confirmed to have covid-19 infection. Statistical analysis was performed using Microsoft Excel and SPSS25.0, comparing 2 groups infected and noninfected Covid-19 by the method of descriptive analysis.
Results: Out of 278 kidney transplantation recipients, 239 (85.9%) were from living donors and 39 (14%) were from diseased donors. From total infected recipients 35.5% are living donors and 51% diseased donors was a statistically significant difference. The average age was 43.5 ± 9.2, 33.4% were over 50 years old and 70.5% were men. 48.3% diabetes recipients were infected with Covid-19, which was the leading risk of  underlying disease (p< 0.001). Recipients were immunized with the M-RNA-based Pfizer vaccine, and 4 out of 5 unvaccinated recipients was infected covid-19, 12 out of 19 got the first dose, 79 out of 95 got  the second dose, and 10 out of 159 got the third dose, had confirmed Covid-19 infection. Recipients who received three doses of immunization had a lower risk of Covid-19 infection, whereas 4 out of 5 (80%) of unimmunized recipients died, showing a vaccine effectiveness (p<0.001). There were 33 (31.4%) cases of lung pneumonia and 8 (7.6%) kidney injury reported due to the infection.
Conclusion: The recipients of the kidney transplantation with confirmed covid-19 infection are over 50 years old, unimmunized, underlying diseases, and immunosuppression are risk factors for complication of disease and affecting the future prognosis.

Key words: Covid-19, Kidney transplantation, recipient


[1] Covid-19, Kidney transplantation, recipient

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