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P.127 Covid-19 infection in a large cohort of kidney transplant recipients from a single center

Aygul Celtik, Turkey

Ege University


Covid-19 infection in a large cohort of kidney transplant recipients from a single center

Aygul Celtik1, Gızem Korkut1, Gızem Karadas2, Meray Tıkves3, Ayse Bengi Kandemır Bozkurt2, Gulay Asci1, Huseyin Toz1.

1Internal Medicine Division of Nephrology, Ege Unıversıty, Izmır, Turkey; 2Internal Medıcıne, Ege Unıversıty, Izmır, Turkey; 3Medıcal Faculty, Ege Unıversıty, Izmır, Turkey

Introduction: Corona virus disease 19 (COVID-19) pandemic has important effects in kidney transplant recipients. Our aim is to evaluate the characteristics of kidney or kidney and pancreas transplant recipients followed in our center. 

Method: This is an observational cohort study. We included our patients who were diagnosed COVID-19 between 01/07/2020-26/12/2022. All patients were diagnosed with a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test. Patients with active malignancy and human immune deficiency infection were excluded. 

Results: We enrolled 427 patients. Age was 47.4±12.5 years and 48% of patients were female. Time from transplantation to COVID-19 was 9.2±5.8 years and 66% of patients were underwent kidney transplantation from a living donor. Number of new cases among kidney transplant recipients was similar to population in Turkey.  Overall patient mortality was %10. 

Conclusion: Waves of COVID-19 was simultaneous with general population among kidney transplant recipients. Mortality rates were similar with previous studies. 


[1] Covid-19
[2] Renal Transplantation

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