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P.141 Renal vascular disparities among kidney donors, a reterospective study

Muhammad Tassaduq Khan, Pakistan

assistant professor


Renal vascular disparities among kidney donors, a reterospective study

Muhammad Tassaduq Khan1, Naranjan Lal1, Rashid Bin Hamid1.

1Dow University Hospital , Renal Transplant Unit, Karachi, Pakistan

Background: Previous vasculature imaging studies have demonstrated the wide variety of changes that the renal vascular architecture might present. However, the Pakistani population's pattern of renal vascular variations is not well understood. Therefore, the objective of the current study is to assess the differences in renal vascularity across kidney donors and investigate the association of vasculature with personnel’s age, gender and site of vessels presented at the Renal Transplant Unit of DOW University of Health Sciences OJHA Campus.
Methodology: The current study was carried out at the Renal Transplant Unit of the DOW University of Health Sciences; (OJHA Campus), Karachi, Pakistan. In the month of January 2023, a cross-sectional study based on an institution and a review of old records was used. All kidney donors who had donor nephrectomy between 2020 and 2022 were the subject of the study. On a computed angiogram, measurements of the main renal arteries and veins were taken, and variations according to side, gender, and age were examined. Version 20 of the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used for the statistical analysis. Pearson's correlation was applied for analysis and P-values lower than 0.05 were deemed significant.
Results: A total of 247 potential live kidney donors underwent donor nephrectomy, among them twenty- four patients are excluded for lack of CT angiogram record. A total of 223 individuals were assessed by CT Aangiogram. There was renal vascular variation were found in 112 (50.2%) individuals among them 25.1% variation found on right side 13.9% on left side and 11.2% on both sides and it was significantly correlate with vascular variation P= 0.000. Vascular variation were observed in 67 (30%) males and 45 (20.2%) females. Vascular variation did not show statistically significant association with gender P= o.38. There were arterial variants were identified among them 52 (81.3%) individuals had accessory renal arteries (10.9% upper polar 26.6% hilar 43.8% lower polar) and 18.8% were early branching. Eight retro aortic, twelve accessory renal veins and four bifurcation renal veins, along with four early branching renal veins, were present. Patient who received donor nephrectomy, the outcomes of the operation were completely consistent with the results of the CTA.
Conclusion: According to this study, Pakistani population have differences in their renal venous and artery anatomy. The planning of treatment for various surgical operations will be significantly impacted by all of the described variables. To avoid diagnostic mistakes and to optimize surgical techniques to prevent undesired postsurgical morbidities, radiologists and surgeons need to be aware of all potential variants.


[1] Renal vessels, computed tomography, age, gender, Karach

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