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Abstract Session
Immune monitoring and Biomarkers

Monday September 23, 2024 | 13:40 to 15:10
Room: Üsküdar 3
Track: N/A

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Jonathan Bromberg, United States Invited Speaker
Novel biomarkers

Dr. Ian Tatt Liew, Singapore Mini-Oral
Torque teno virus for predicting severe infections and biopsy-proven rejection in prevalent kidney transplant recipients: An inter-rim analysis of a single-centre prospective cohort study

Flávio H F Galvao, Brazil Mini-Oral
Long-term evaluation of anorectal autotransplantation in swine model

Dr. Min Hu, Australia Mini-Oral
T cell receptors and the transcriptomic profile of t cells in transplant tolerance

Dr. Jule Dingfelder, Austria Mini-Oral
Mitochondrial flavin mononucleotide measured at beginning of hypothermic machine perfusion predicts patient survival after liver transplantation

Dr. Eun-Ah Jo, Korea Mini-Oral
The time dependent changes in serum immunoglobulin after kidney transplantation and its association with infection

Dr. Naoya Iwahara, Japan Mini-Oral
Analysis of T-cell alloantigen response via a direct pathway in kidney transplant recipients with donor-specific antibodies

Dr. Dimitri Bedo, France Mini-Oral
Factors influencing the torque teno virus (TTV) viral load in a sizable population of solid organ transplant recipients.

Dr. Ilies Benotmane, France Mini-Oral
The combination of TTV viral load and BKV-neutralizing antibody titers aids in stratifying the risk of BKV viremia.

Dr. Arnau P Panisello-Rosello, Spain Mini-Oral
Comparative assessment of steatotic livers in preservation solutions: New compositions for old problems

Dr. Kevin Louis, France Mini-Oral
Value of HLA class II combined molecular mismatch scoring system for immune risk stratification in kidney transplantation

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