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Abstract Session
Kidney Deceased Donor Issues

Tuesday September 24, 2024 | 08:00 to 09:15
Room: Beyazıt
Track: N/A

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Dr. Deepesh B Kenwar, India Mini-Oral
Split Kidney Transplant from Pediatric donor < 18kg: Five years single center outcome analysis.

Dr. Maaham Saleem, United Kingdom Mini-Oral
The effect of normothermic machine perfusion and mesenchymal stem cells on porcine kidneys’ secretory profile

Dr. Akira Maki, Japan Mini-Oral
Retrospective review of nation wide database for factors impacted on early graft function in kidney transplant from donation after cardiac death

Dr. Alberto Sandiumenge, Spain Mini-Oral
First experience of extracorporeal-cardiopulmonary resuscitation program and its impact in kidney transplant

Nithya Krishnan, United Kingdom Mini-Oral
Improved survival prediction for kidney transplant outcome prediction using Artificial Intelligence-based models: Development of a UK Deceased Donor Kidney Transplant Outcome Prediction (UK-DTOP) Tool.

Marcelo Cantarovich, Canada Mini-Oral
Long-term outcomes of kidney transplant recipients from deceased donors with circulatory determination of death

Ron Shapiro, United States Mini-Oral
Wasted potential: decoding the trifecta of donor kidney shortage, underutilization, and rising discard rates

Dr. Junichiro Sageshima, United States Mini-Oral
Transplant outcome prediction by vascular lesions of deceased-donor kidneys

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