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Abstract Session
Transplant immunosuppression 2

Tuesday September 24, 2024 | 08:00 to 09:15
Room: Beylerbeyi 2
Track: N/A

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Prof. Esra Baskin, Turkey Invited Speaker
Immunosuppression in kidney Tx for children

Dr. Ebru Sevinc Ok, Turkey Mini-Oral
Results of MMF+EVO combination in drug switching after kidney transplantation.

Andrew Santeusanio, United States Mini-Oral
Comparison of actual versus ideal body weight based dosing of anti-thymocyte globulin in kidney transplant recipients

Dr. Sushrut Gupta, India Mini-Oral
CYP3A5 Polymorphism in Kidney Transplantation: Individualizing Tacrolimus Dosing

Dr. Tugba Tekelioglu, Turkey Mini-Oral
Atypical cervical cytology in solid organ transplantation patients: 20 years of experience in a single center

Dr. Mahomed Ismail Haffejee, South Africa Mini-Oral
High intra patient variability (IPV) of serum tacrolimus is associated with a worsening serum creatinine in kidney transplant patients attending Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital, Durban, South Africa

Dr. Sergio DJ. Salcedo Herrera Sr., Colombia Mini-Oral
Correlating Tacrolimus Levels with Dose Formulation: Implications for Toxicity and Renal Graft Rejection in a cohort of kidney Transplant Recipients with Steroid-free maintenance immunosuppression.

Mrs. Ariunaa Altangerel MD, Mongolia Mini-Oral
Identification of cytokine profiles in blood samples from kidney transplant recipients

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