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Abstract Session
Biomarkers-transcriptomics, genomics and metabolomics

Tuesday September 24, 2024 | 08:00 to 09:15
Room: Üsküdar 3
Track: N/A

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Prof. Shane T Grey, Australia Invited Speaker
Employing functional genomics to decipher clinical impact of suspected patient variants

Dr. John Friedewald, United States Mini-Oral
Combining blood gene expression, plasma cellfree DNA, and urine chemokines to diagnose rejection in kidney transplant recipients

Mr. Harry L Robertson, Australia Mini-Oral
Decoding the hallmarks of allograft dysfunction with a comprehensive pan-organ transcriptomic atlas

Miss Helen Stark, United Kingdom Mini-Oral
Using spatial proteomics to explore the alloresponse in abdominal wall and small bowel biopsies

Dr. Sung Shin, Korea Mini-Oral
Single-cell RNA sequencing to uncover differential expression genes using peripheral blood mononuclear cells according to rejection types in kidney transplant recipients

Anurag Gupta, India Mini-Oral
Genetic association in patients undergoing renal allograft transplant: An observational study

Dr. Jin-Myung Kim, Korea Mini-Oral
Exploring the Molecular Pathways of Intracranial Aneurysm Formation in Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease using Proteomic Analysis

Prof. Narayan Prasad, India Mini-Oral
Association of donor vascular endothelial growth factor gene polymorphisms with risk of acute kidney allograft rejection

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