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Abstract Session
Predictive model in transplantation

Monday September 23, 2024 | 13:40 to 15:10
Room: 3B-01 Room
Track: N/A

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Valentin Goutaudier, France Invited Speaker
Predicting kidney allograft rejection using blood biomarkers

Mr. Alvaro Assis de Souza, Netherlands Oral
Interpretable prediction of kidney allograft rejection using machine learning: A comparison between linear and non-linear models

Ms. Eliz Peyraud, France Oral
Outcomes of liver transplantation in patients 60 years and older: a multivariate analysis using penalized Cox regression

Dr. Farzaneh Boroumand, Australia Oral
Socioeconomic disadvantage, all-cause and cause-specific mortality in patients treated with maintenance dialysis: A causal mediation analysis of geographical inequity and multimorbidity

Christie Rampersad, Canada Oral
Organ donation and transplantation registries across the globe: A review of the current state

Dr. Hemant Sharma, United Kingdom Oral
Results from the SUMMIT Study: SUccessful transplantation with Marginal (DRI>1.5) deceased donor kidneys - Identifying determinanTs.

Mrs. Konstantina Eleni Karakasi, Greece Oral
Innovation in liver transplantation: Volume calculation using reality capture hardware via LIDAR 3D technology

Mrs. Liceth Viviana V CastaƱeda, Colombia Oral
"Machine Learning in Transplant Medicine: Predicting Diarrheic Diseases in Kidney Recipients"

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