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Ethics in organ donation

Wednesday September 25, 2024 - 08:00 to 09:15

Room: Maçka

405.4 Method to evaluate the loss of donors in the provinces of the Argentine Republic and establish policies that increase procurement

Pablo E Centeno, Argentina

Medical Director
Medical Direccion


Method to evaluate the loss of donors in the provinces of the Argentine Republic and establish policies that increase procurement

Pablo Centeno1,2,3, Hidalgo Gabriela1, Malan Richard1, Soratti Carlos Alberto1, Yankowski Alejandro1,2, Maria Elisa Barone1,2, Anchorena Matias2,3, Azuaje Ender1,2,3, Montiel Ernesto2,3, Murguia Belen2,3,4, Rodriguez Eva2,3,4.

1National Procurement Directorate, INCUCAI, Buenos Aires, Argentina; 2Procurement and transplant committee, Argentine Society of intensive Care, Buenos Aires, Argentina; 3Critical Care Department, Hospital del Bicentenario Esteban Echeverría, Esteban Echeverria, Argentina; 4Procurement departament, CUCAIBA, La Plata, Argentina

The lack of donors increases the time on the waiting list, worsening quality of life, costs to the health system, etc.
Increasing the generation of donors in cerebral circulatory arrest requires precise policies that identify where in the donation process there are failures that cause them.
Argentina is the eighth largest country in the world, with great geographic, cultural and health diversity, access to transplant is guaranteed for all its inhabitants.
Once captured by the donation and transplant system, at the expense of an efficient national computer system and a robust regulatory framework, the information of each potential donor is complete and accessible. However, there is an undetermined number of patients with serious neurological injuries, potential donors who, for various reasons, are not captured by the health system to transform them into organ donors if appropriate.
Determining the causes of such losses in such a large and heterogeneous country is a challenge. A regional and provincial evaluation system has been developed based on epidemiological and bibliographic data that allows identifying in the different regions and provinces the failures of the local donor generation system, determining the number of donors lost at each step of the donation process and their Causes.
Once these failures are identified, they are classified according to the loss of donors generated, and corrective measures are established.


[1] procurement
[2] province
[3] loss of donors

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