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Abstract Session
Maximizing deceased donation

Monday September 23, 2024 | 16:50 to 18:30
Room: Emirgan 2
Track: N/A

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Dr. Matthew Weiss, Canada Invited Speaker
Overview of donation after medical assist in dying (MAID): The Canadian experience

Dr. Alicia PĂ©rez, Spain Mini-Oral
Organ donation after euthanasia in Spain: A summary of the first results

Prof. Bronwyn Levvey, Australia Mini-Oral
Pushing the limits: Successful lung transplantation from a controlled donation after circulatory death donor 9.5 hrs post withdrawal without using EVLP

Dr. Gabriele Catalano Sr., Italy Mini-Oral
Sequential normothermic regional and end-ischemic ex-situ machine perfusion allows the safe use of very old DCD donors in liver transplantation (DCDNet trial)

Davide Ghinolfi, Italy Mini-Oral
Pilot, open, randomized, multicenter trial for the comparison of hypothermic versus normothermic ex-situ liver preservation in DCD liver transplantation with extended ischemia time (DCDNet trial)

Mr. Phil Walton, United Kingdom Mini-Oral
Sustainability and Certainty in Organ Retrieval (SCORE): Redesigning organ retrieval in the UK

Dr. Abdulkarim Al Shadookhi, Saudi Arabia Mini-Oral
Investigating the determinants of low deceased brain death organ donation consent rates in Saudi Arabia: An in-depth analysis of underlying factors

Dr. Burak Sayin, Turkey Mini-Oral
Exploring the discrepancy: Perception vs. perspective of university students on organ donation

Dr. Matthew Weiss, Canada Rapid-Fire
Organ donation following medical assistance in dying: A Canadian environmental scan

Dr. Macey L Levan, United States Rapid-Fire
A virtual community assertive treatment model for organ donor family aftercare in the United States

Stefan Schneeberger, Austria Rapid-Fire
Prolonged static cold storage results in significant pelvic hematomas during normothermic machine perfusion of porcine kidney grafts

Thomas Resch, Austria Rapid-Fire
A translational model for long-term normothermic machine perfusion of porcine livers

Mr. Yongquan Chi, People's Republic of China Rapid-Fire
Novel system for organ preservation: Feed macrophages Ceria nanoparticles

Mr. Laurin Rauter, Austria Rapid-Fire
Endothelial glycocalyx damage marker Syndecan-1 measured during hypothermic oxygenated machine perfusion predicts early allograft dysfunction after liver transplantation

Ms. Priya Santharaj, United Arab Emirates Rapid-Fire
Guinness world record & Incredible Journey of Organ donation - United Arab Emirates

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