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Abstract Session
Sex & gender in transplantation

Monday September 23, 2024 | 10:40 to 12:10
Room: 3B-01 Room
Track: N/A

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Dr. Lori J. West, Canada Invited Speaker
Impact of sex and microbiome on ABO antibodies

Dr. Ana Cristina Breithaupt Faloppa, Brazil Oral
A study of menopause effects on lung inflammation after brain death using a model of transitional follicular depletion with aging

Stephen Alexander, Australia Oral
The Impact of Female Sex and Intersectional Disadvantage on Access to Deceased Kidney Transplantation in Australia: a 15 Year National Cohort Study

Dr. Shiva Kumar, United Arab Emirates Oral
Impact of donor-recipient gender concordance on outcomes following liver transplantation for primary sclerosing cholangitis

Dr. Silvi Shah, United States Oral
Pregnancy outcomes after kidney transplant utilizing assisted reproductive technologies

Dr. Khushboo Saxena, India Oral
A step towards bridging the gender gap in deceased donor kidney transplantation

Prof. Kate Wyburn, Australia Oral
Is there an editorial glass ceiling? Editorial leadership in Nephrology and Transplantation Journals: A gender-based cross-sectional analysis

Dr. Fernanda Y Ricardo-da-Silva, Brazil Oral
The role of sex hormones in the intestinal injury after brain death using a surgical menopause model in rats

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