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Abstract Session
Pancreas transplantation

Tuesday September 24, 2024 | 10:40 to 12:10
Room: Hamidiye
Track: N/A

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Henry Pleass, Australia Invited Speaker
Current status of pancreas transplantation in Australasia

Peter J. Friend, United Kingdom Invited Speaker
Current status of pancreas transplantation in the UK

Dr. Christophe Masset, France Oral
Anti-AT1R auto-antibodies in pancreas transplantation

Prof. Jens G Brockmann, Saudi Arabia Mini-Oral
Pancreas after kidney transplant in Saudi Arabia providing superior results to SPK simultaneous pancreas and kidney transplantation

Ms. Lucia A Alfaro Villanueva, Brazil Mini-Oral
Systemic improvements in a single-center simultaneous pancreas and kidney transplant program

Dr. Kohei Ishiyama, Japan Rapid-Fire
Development of a novel immunosuppressive method using simultaneous administration of SHED to improve islet transplantation outcomes

Dr. Takayuki Anazawa, Japan Rapid-Fire
Efficacy and Safety of Allogeneic Islet Transplantation Demonstrated by a Multicenter Clinical Trial in Japan

Oyedolamu Olaitan, United States Rapid-Fire
Donor-derived cell-free DNA (dd-cfDNA) kinetics during rejection and quiescence after simultaneous pancreas and kidney transplant

Dr. Vikrant Thakur, United Kingdom Rapid-Fire
Pancreas Transplantation from Donors after Circulatory Death: An unnecessary reticence.

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