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Life participation and living well after transplantation

Monday September 23, 2024 - 15:40 to 16:40

Room: Hamidiye

255.2 Work, life, and sex after transplantation

Louise Lerminiaux, Costa Rica

Patient Advocate Consultant
Wellness Consulting LRL LLC


Louise Lerminiaux, MBA has spent 30 years in technology program management in a variety of industries across Canada and the USA, the last 14 years in life sciences and transplant diagnostics. She is the second generation of female transplant recipients in her family due to polycystic kidney disease. She received her unrelated living kidney at UC San Diego, California in Nov 2008 and was fortunate to avoid dialysis. Her mother endured dialysis for 10 years starting in 1976, before receiving her related living kidney donation in 1986 in Saskatchewan Canada. Her mother lived an additional 20 years with her transplant. Louise’s younger sister tolerated dialysis for 1.5 years before receiving her deceased donor kidney in 2017 in Canada. Her sister's 32 year old daughter has been diagnosed with PKD while her 3 young children have not yet been tested. In her semi-retirement, Louise is a vocal advocate for patients and changing the standard of healthcare. She specifically speaks out about the challenges she and other female recipients navigate because of their immune suppression and medication side effects. She also advocates for xeno-transplantion and 3D printed organ solutions to address the organ shortage. Louise currently lives in Costa Rica.

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