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Abstract Session
Liver complications & techniques

Tuesday September 24, 2024 | 08:00 to 09:15
Room: Beylerbeyi 1
Track: N/A

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Henry Pleass, Australia Invited Speaker
Surgical complications on liver

Dr. Burak Yagdiran, Turkey Mini-Oral
Are the classifications used to determine hepatic artery variations in liver donors sufficient?

Ms. Ekaterina Yu Anosova, Russian Federation Mini-Oral
A decision-making approach based on computer modelling of blood flow in hepatic vessels

Dr. Fatma Irem Yesiler, Turkey Mini-Oral
A case series of pulmonary thromboembolism among living liver donors

Mr. Nafady M Ramy, United Kingdom Mini-Oral
Is White test of relevance in minimising bile leak in living donor hepatectomy : Experience from two LDLT centres across continents.

Dr. Seyed Ali Moosavi, Iran Mini-Oral
Comparison of polypropylene and dual mesh repair methods for incisional hernias post-liver transplantation: A retrospective cohort study

Dr. Sarita Ratana-Amornpin, Thailand Mini-Oral
Vibration-controlled transient elastography as a non-invasive tool to exclude hepatic steatosis in living liver donor evaluation

Prof. Qiang Zhao, People's Republic of China Mini-Oral
NK-cell-elicited gasdermin-D-dependent pyroptosis induces neutrophil extracellular traps that facilitates HBV-related acute-on-chronic liver failure

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