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Yaprak Sarigöl Ordin, Turkey

Assistant Professor
Department of Surgical Nursing
SarigolOrdin Yaprak

Yaprak Sarıgöl Ordin, RN, PhD have studied in Nursing Faculty as Assoc Prof. Dr. Ordin completed her master's degree and PhD thesis in the field of liver transplantation. She did her post-doc work with kidney transplant patients at the University of Missouri Kansas City. She has many projects, scientific research, and master's and doctoral theses that she has advised on liver and kidney transplant patients. Dr. Ordin continues her education in the field of nursing, master's and doctoral education, and her work in the field of nursing research. She is a founding board member of ESOT's ETAHP group. She continues to serve as a board member of ITNS. She has clinical experience and has carried out national and international projects in the field of living donation.

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