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Abstract Session
Regenerative medicine: Focus on liver

Tuesday September 24, 2024 | 08:00 to 09:15
Room: Hamidiye
Track: N/A

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Toshio Miki, Japan


Dr. Denis Efimov, Belarus Oral
Intraportal human hepatocytes transplantation combined with placental mesenchymal stem cells and systemic intravenous placental mesenchymal stem cells infusion in decompensated liver cirrhosis

Mr. Emmanuel L Huguet, United Kingdom Oral
Portal venous repopulation of decellularised rat liver scaffolds with syngeneic bone marrow stem cells

Mr. Zeeshan Afzal, United Kingdom Oral
Impact of decellularisation conditions on extra-cellular matrix integrity and recellularisation quality in hepatic scaffold regenerative bioengineering

Dr. Takumi Katano, Japan Oral
A novel method for hepatocyte transplantation at the liver surface

Miss Nicole Whyte, United Kingdom Oral
In vitro evaluation of the biological effects of betaine on human hepatocytes

Dr. Peilin Li, Japan Oral
Cell transplantation of chemically induced liver progenitor cells for liver cirrhosis

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