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Thematic Session
Pancreas and islet

Monday September 23, 2024 | 15:40 to 16:40
Room: Beylerbeyi 1
Track: N/A

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The idea of the session is to focus on (a) unanswered questions and persistent knowledge gaps in the immunological challenge of allogeneic beta cell transplantation as well as (b) emerging directions and game-changing strategies in addressing the immunological challenge of allo beta cell transplantation.

1- Beta cell replacement (whole pancreas, islet and cell transplantation) within the treatment landscape of type 1 diabetes.
This should discuss strength and weakness of the three approaches and discuss the context of type 1 diabetes: technology reducing hypoglycaemia, delay in nephropathy, increasing weight in T1D, new indications like pancreatectomized, type 2 diabetes).
2- Deciphering the Immunological Enigma of Allo-Beta Cell Transplantation: Addressing Unresolved Questions and Embracing the Frontiers of Knowledge.
This encapsulates the essence of the presentation's focus on the immunological challenges of allo-beta cell transplantation, highlighting the need to address unresolved questions and embrace emerging frontiers of knowledge. It effectively conveys the significance of the topic and the potential impact of advancements in this field.
3- Avoiding the need for immunosuppression in islet transplantation.
This effectively conveys the forward-looking nature of the presentation, emphasizing the exploration of new directions and transformative strategies to address the immunological challenges of islet transplantation. It highlights the potential impact of these advancements in revolutionizing therapy.


Dr. Braulio Alejandro Marfil-Garza, Mexico
Beta cell replacement (whole pancreas, islet and cell transplantation) within the treatment landscape of type 1 diabetes

Prof. Lorenzo Piemonti, Italy
Deciphering the immunological enigma of allo-beta cell transplantation: Addressing unresolved questions and embracing the frontiers of knowledge

Dr. Xiaomeng Hu, United States
Avoiding the need for immunosuppression in islet transplantation (Pre-Recording)

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