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Pancreas and islet

Monday September 23, 2024 - 15:40 to 16:40

Room: Beylerbeyi 1

253.1 Beta cell replacement (whole pancreas, islet and cell transplantation) within the treatment landscape of type 1 diabetes

Braulio Alejandro Marfil-Garza, Mexico

Director of Pancreatic Islet Transplantation
Department of Research
TecSalud - Tecnologico de Monterrey


Braulio Marfil-Garza was born in Monterrey, Mexico. He graduated from the Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo León and then completed a residency program in internal medicine at the National Institute of Medical Sciences and Nutrition in Mexico City. The last year of his residency, he served as Chief Resident in the hospital. During this time, he developed an interest in translational research. He spent a year as a research fellow working on the molecular interactions between obesity and hypertension under the supervision of Prof. Gerardo Gamba. While working on these endeavors, he found a research platform that encompassed both his clinical and experimental research interests, pancreatic islet transplantation.
He completed a PhD in Surgery from the University of Alberta under the supervision of Prof. James Shapiro in 2022 developing strategies to optimize pancreatic islet transplantation, mainly through generating data to inform clinical shared-decision making and by working on enabling immunosuppression-free pancreatic islet transplantation. He then complemented his training with a Clinical Fellowship in Islet Transplantation at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada under the supervision of Prof. Peter A. Senior. Braulio Marfil-Garza is working on extending his research into patient-centered outcomes and understanding how the lives of people undergoing pancreatic islet transplantation and whole pancreas transplantation are affected, which he is doing in collaboration with the University of Alberta. He is now the Director of Pancreatic Islet Transplantation of the first clinical transplant program in Mexico at the Tecnologico de Monterrey.

Presentations by Braulio Alejandro Marfil-Garza

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