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Abstract Session
General Infectious Diseases 2

Tuesday September 24, 2024 | 13:40 to 15:10
Room: Emirgan 1
Track: N/A

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Hande Arslan, Turkey Invited Speaker
An emerging issue: Carbapenem resistant enterobacteriaceae in solid-organ tx

Peter G. Stock, United States Invited Speaker
Beneficial impact of immunosuppressive and anti-retroviral regimens on outcomes following kidney transplantation in people living with HIV

Miss Nathalia Neves Nunes, Brazil Rapid-Fire
Risk factors for vancomycin resistant enterococci (VRE) colonization in liver transplantation: A retrospective cohort study

Dr. Isik H Ozgu, Turkey Rapid-Fire
ATG dose is associated with CMV viremia but not BK viremia in living donor kidney transplants

Prof. Ejaz Ahmed, Pakistan Rapid-Fire
Comparison of risk factors and outcome between high and low Cytomegalovirus viremia in living donor R+D+ renal transplant recipients from Pakistan

Dr. Katheresan V, India Rapid-Fire
Unmasking the danger: Investigating factors predisposing liver transplant recipients to invasive fungal infections

Dr. Laurie L Bertels, South Africa Rapid-Fire
Clinical course, management and outcomes of COVID-19 in HIV-infected renal transplant recipients: A case series

Dr. Ksenija Vučur Šimić, Croatia Rapid-Fire
Kidney transplantation in the biggest Croatian abdominal organs transplantation center during COVID-19 pandemics (11 March 2020 – 11 May 2023)

Mrs. Theodora Penna, Greece Rapid-Fire
BKV nephropathy in kidney transplant recipients: Management and outcome

Kathryn Manning, South Africa Rapid-Fire
Retrospective review of ART regimens in HIV-positive to HIV-positive kidney transplant recipients

Dr. Yogita Sharma, India Rapid-Fire
Etiology of Diarrhea in Renal Allograft Recipients using FilmArray GI panel test and Graft Outcome at a tertiary care centre from India. Presenter will be Dr Yogita sharma

Prof. Markus J. Barten, Germany Rapid-Fire
Evaluation of CMV Hyperimmunoglobulin Use in a large European non-interventional, multicenter study after heart and lung transplantation

Dr. Gustavo Ferreira, Brazil Rapid-Fire
Chagas transmission in kidney transplants: Impact of post-transplant benzonidazole prophylaxis

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