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Abstract Session
Patient centered care in Tx

Tuesday September 24, 2024 | 13:40 to 15:10
Room: Maçka
Track: N/A

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Ms. Liz Schick, Switzerland Invited Speaker
Putting patients at the heart of transplantation

Dr. Mara McAdams DeMarco, United States Oral
The national landscape of kidney transplantation among presumed unauthorized immigrants in the United States

Mr. Stijn van de Laar, Netherlands Oral
The impact of living kidney donation in a kidney exchange programme on the donor's health-related quality of life.

Dr. Annette S Nasr, United States Mini-Oral
A qualitative exploration of family resiliency in pediatric living-related liver donation

Dr. Rengin Erdal, Turkey Mini-Oral
Factors affecting the living situation of patients with liver transplantation

Dr. Akanksha Singh, United Kingdom Mini-Oral
Empowering patients through RENEW (RENEW-HOPE): A Digital Behavioural Change Intervention (DBCI) to improve treatment adherence in young kidney transplant recipients

Dr. Aydan Ozdemir, Turkey Mini-Oral
Examining dietary changes in pre and post-organ transplant patients: Insights from a survey study

Miss Rosie A Heape, United Kingdom Mini-Oral
Illness perceptions, medication beliefs and immunosuppression adherence in young adult kidney transplant recipients: A single-centre cohort study and comparative analysis

Dr. Selvi Ceran, Turkey Mini-Oral
Anxiety disorders and related sociodemographic and clinical characteristics in kidney transplant candidates who are on the waiting list

Dr. Eda Ayten Kankaya, Turkey Mini-Oral
Kidney transplant recipients’ needs for mobile health applications aiming to improve their adherence to immunosuppressive therapy

Mr. Hicham JAMIL Abou Alloul, United Arab Emirates Rapid-Fire
Experience report of the In-Hospital organ donation committee, training, and awareness of Organ Donation implementation in a Hospital from the Middle East

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