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Sun Sep 22

08:00 - 10:00 Post-Graduate Course: PGC joint - The leading edge
1 ChatGPT and AI in academia - good, bad or ugly?
Jennifer Li, Australia
2 Xenotransplantation - genes to surgery
Robert A Montgomery, United States
3 Machine learning for clinicians
Olivier Aubert, France
4 Bioinformatics explained for clinicians
Jean Yang, Australia
Panel discussion and general Q&A
Discussion Period, Turkey
10:30 - 12:30 Post-Graduate Course: PGC clinical - Optimizing donation
1 Deceased donor selection and allocation
Beatriz Dominguez-Gil, Spain
2 Voluntary assisted dying in organ donation
Alicia Pérez, Spain
3 Understanding eplets/immune matching
Ankit Sharma, Australia
4 Donor Trial Design
Dan Harvey, United Kingdom
Panel discussion and general Q&A
Discussion Period, Turkey
10:30 - 12:30 Post-Graduate Course: PGC basic - Not so basic research
1 Genetic engineering in transplantation
Xunrong Luo, United States
2 Advances in organ preservation
Marwan Masri, Lebanon
3 Tissue engineering and its potential in transplantation
Timothy Pennel, South Africa
4 Translational research: Bench to bedside pathway
Natasha Rogers, Australia
Panel discussion and general Q&A
Discussion Period, Turkey
13:00 - 15:00 Post-Graduate Course: PGC clinical - Barriers to long term success
1 ABMR - treatment options in 2024
Carmen Lefaucheur, France
2 GN recurrence after transplantation (or VCA transplantation)
Leonardo V. Riella, United States
3 Key cardio-metabolic health considerations transplantation
Abhijit Naik, United States
4 Machine perfusion strategies and updates
Stefan Schneeberger, Austria
Panel discussion and general Q&A
Discussion Period, Turkey
13:00 - 15:00 Post-Graduate Course: PGC basic - Immunological barriers
1 Understanding methods in HLA matching
Cynthia Kramer, Netherlands
2 Overview of T cells in transplant rejection and regulation
Amy R Cross, United Kingdom
3 Transplant immunology: cytokines in solid organ transplantation
Christophe Legendre, France
4 Dysregulated Immunometabolism in transplantation
Nancy Kwan Man, Hong Kong
Panel discussion and general Q&A
Discussion Period, Turkey

Mon Sep 23

08:00 - 09:15 Abstract Session: Making donation systems work
206.6 Organ donation postgraduate program at a Philippine university: Impact of ODISSeA
Brian Alvarez, Spain
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