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PGC basic - Immunological barriers

Sunday September 22, 2024 - 13:00 to 15:00

Room: Beylerbeyi 1

PGC5.2 Overview of T cells in transplant rejection and regulation

Amy R Cross, United Kingdom

Postdoctoral researcher
Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences
University of Oxford


I am a researcher in the Translational Research Immunology Group (TRIG) at the University of Oxford, focusing on developing novel therapies to establish transplant tolerance. My work includes exploring interleukin-2-based compounds, modulation of iron availability, and adoptive Treg transfers. I completed my PhD at Université Paris Sorbonne, where I studied how human endothelial cells modulate immune responses and the impact of transplant-associated microenvironmental factors. Additionally, I am a member of the Basic Science Committee of the Transplantation Society (TTS).

My current research program centers on chronic tolerance and local injury in liver disease. I aim to uncover both common and disease-specific processes of intratissue inflammation and tolerance through multi-omic analysis of human liver samples. This research provides insights into cellular resistance to the hepatitis B virus (HBV), transplant pathology, and cancer development.

Presentations by Amy R Cross

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