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PGC joint - The leading edge

Sunday September 22, 2024 - 08:00 to 10:00

Room: Beylerbeyi 1

PGC1.3 Bioinformatics explained for clinicians

Jean Yang, Australia

Sydney Precision Data Science Centre
The University of Sydney


Professor Yang is a leader in statistical bioinformatics who works in cutting-edge biomedical research. She is currently the Director of the Sydney Precision Data Science. Her research has led to seminal advances in integration of multi-layered biological data integration by removing extraneous variability and accounting for heterogeneity. Recently, she has made similarly significant advances in scalable data integration in single-cell transcriptomics sequencing. She was awarded the Moran Medal in recognition of her work on developing methods for molecular data arising in cutting-edge biomedical research. As a statistical data scientist who works in the interface of statistics, biomedicine, and health. She enjoys developing novel methods with translational potential in a collaborative environment, working closely with investigators from diverse backgrounds.

Presentations by Jean Yang

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