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Transplanting the Highly Sensitised patient

Monday September 23, 2024 - 13:40 to 15:10

Room: Çamlıca

248.1 Role of more sensitive HLA matching: Eplet mismatching in HSP

Rainer Oberbauer, Austria

Department of Nephrology & Dialysis
Medical University of Vienna/AKH


Dr. Oberbauer received his MD from the University of Vienna, Austria in 1990 and his MSc in Epidemiology from the Harvard School of Public Health, USA in 2005 and PhD from Semmelweis University in Budapest 2017. He completed his fellowship in nephrology at the Universities of Vienna and Stanford. In 2006 he was nominated as Director of the Renal Department of the Elisabethinen Hospital and in 2014 to Director of the Department for Nephrology and Dialysis, Internal Medicine III, Medical University of Vienna.

Dr. Oberbauer has a longstanding clinical and scientific interest in renal transplantation and he has published numerous experimental as well as clinical papers in this field. He is a member of many international transplant societies, past chair of EKITA and past EIC of Transplant Int and on the editorial board of a number of other major international transplant journals. He has also received several academic awards for his scientific papers, which mainly focus on genetic and clinical epidemiology  and new immunosuppressive strategies following renal transplantation.


Presentations by Rainer Oberbauer

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