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Virtual Abstract
Kidney 1

Monday October 21, 2024 | 12:00 to 13:00
Room: Virtual
Track: N/A

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Prof. Rainer Oberbauer, Austria

Xing Dai, People's Republic of China
Specific gut microbiome and metabolome features in renal allograft rejection via multi-omics integration analyses

Brenda Rosales, Australia
Understanding sex differences in relative cancer survival in kidney transplant recipients: A bi-national study, 1980-2019

Dr. Ammatul Takaza, United Kingdom
Assessing the outcome of deceased donor transplantation in recipients aged 70 and above: Are renal transplants a viable option for the ageing population?

Dr. Kazuaki Yamanaka, Japan
Spontaneous resolution of subclinical antibody-mediated rejection detected by protocol biopsy in renal transplantation

Dr. Mugdha Sathe, India
Second kidney transplant: A single centre retrospective cohort study from north India

Dr. Shruti N Tapiawala, India
Prevalence of non- representation of HLA antigens and alleles in Single Antigen Bead assay panels in patients at a referral lab

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