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Genetics in precision medicine

Monday September 23, 2024 - 15:40 to 16:40

Room: Emirgan 1

251.1 Genetics for precision medicine in transplantation

Shane T Grey, Australia

Professor and Head of School
School of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences
Garvan Institute and UNSW


Dr Shane T. Grey; Professor in Science UNSW; Head Transplantation Immunology Laboratory Garvan Institute of Medical Research; Head of the School of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences, UNSW. Grey received his PhD immunology training at Monash University and his post-doctoral training as a transplant immunologist at Harvard Medical School, USA, where he moved through the ranks first as an Instructor in Surgery (1998) then Assistant Professor (2001). He was then recruited to the Garvan Institute where he has led a research team since 2004. Grey’s key research interest lies in the genetic control of inflammation, particularly how the TNFAIP3 gene and NF-kB-system interact to impact tissue and immune cell inflammation, islet transplant rejection, immunological tolerance and human disease. Grey is very keen to translate fundamental findings to clinical impact including efforts contributing to the global road map towards new therapies for T1D as an invited member of the JDRF Encapsulation Consortium (2017-2023); as a lead investigator on Australia's first clinical islet transplant program; leadership of a national NHMRC/JDRF research program for T1D, and through development of new gene therapy approaches to advance immunosuppression free islet cell transplantation. Shane has been recognised by an international “Key Opinion Leader in Transplantation” Award, multiple JDRF MaryJane Kugel Awards, a “JDRF/Macquarie Group Foundation Diabetes Research Innovation Award”, and the Transplantation Society of Australia & NZ “Ian McKenzie Prize” for 'outstanding contributions to [islet] transplantation'.

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