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Surfing the big data wave

Wednesday September 25, 2024 - 15:25 to 16:25

Room: Emirgan 1

450.3 Is AI better than human in predicting post-transplant outcomes?

Carmen Lefaucheur, France

Professor of Nephrology, Head of the Department
Department of Nephrology and Kidney Transplantation
Saint Louis Hospital, PITOR University Paris Cité


Head of the Department of Nephrology and Kidney Transplantation, Saint-Louis Hospital-APHP, Paris, France and Professor of Nephrology at Université Paris Cité.
Medical Director of the Paris Institute for Transplantation & Organ Regeneration.
Director of the Research FHU Apollo.

Throughout her career Pr Lefaucheur has been able to build a teamwork among peers with different needs and interests. She has co-founded the Paris Translational Research Center for Organ Transplantation, a network of more than 43 centers in France, Europe and the US, three times awarded with the PRO ESOT Stronger Together Awards, and more recently the Paris Institute for Transplantation & Organ Regeneration. She is engaged in several national and international Scientific Societies, as Member of the Board of Trustees of the Banff Allograft Pathology Foundation, Member of  STAR working group of ASHI and AST, Member of the Scientific Programme Committee of ESOT, and Mentor for the ESOT Mentorship Programme.

She is principal investigator of national and international clinical trials dedicated to prophylaxis and treatment of rejection in kidney transplantation, including ongoing research funding most notably the EUTRAIN H2020 project.

Her research aims to develop a translational research model in organ transplantation based on a multidisciplinary approach which may connect immunological, histological, molecular and clinical knowledge. She has focused on the clinical relevance of HLA antibodies and their different mechanistic pathways leading to allograft antibody-mediated rejection, thereby addressing the heterogeneity of its phenotypic expression and eventually investigating new tailored potential therapies in transplant populations.

Presentations by Carmen Lefaucheur

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