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Surfing the big data wave

Wednesday September 25, 2024 - 15:25 to 16:25

Room: Emirgan 1

450.2 Genomics strategies to redefine histocompatibility and risk stratification

Sophie Limou, France

Professor of human genetics
Center for Research in Transplantation and Translational Immunology
Nantes University


My research focuses on defining the genetic determinants of complex diseases (genetic epidemiology) using genomics, bioinformatics and biostatistics. After investigating the molecular factors impacting HIV replication and progression to AIDS, I started exploring the renal complications occurring in HIV-infected subjects to progressively dive into the exploration of determinants for kidney function and renal pathologies. My ambition is to develop nephrogenomics in order to decipher the molecular pathways underlying (1) kidney diseases leading to end-stage renal disease (requiring dialysis or kidney transplantation), (2) kidney graft survival, (3) kidney transplantation comorbidities (e.g. infections, cancers), (4) kidney disease recurring after kidney transplantation, (5) kidney function in living kidney donors. By integrating this information with clinical and biological data, we hope to accelerate the translation to clinical care and personalized medicine.

Presentations by Sophie Limou

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