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Organ transplantation activities in MESOT countries Part 1

Tuesday September 24, 2024 - 13:40 to 15:10

Room: Üsküdar 3

Mirza Naqi Zafar, Pakistan

Pathology Department
Sindh Institute of Urology and Transplantation


Prof. Mirza Naqi Zafar, PhD.

Professor of Pathology and Transplant Immunology

Head of Research and Publication. SIUT, Karachi.


I graduated from the University of London in 1975 and completed PhD in 1979.  Currently, my research interests are living donor follow-up care where donors have been followed up yearly in a dedicated clinic, and transplant Immunology where the focus has been on HLA matching, Antibody-mediated rejection, HLA-driven immunosuppression, and transplant outcomes.  I have authored more than 100 publications and 4 book chapters.  I am honored to author a chapter with the late Prof. Paul Terasaki.  Currently, I am an Advisor to the Council of The International Society of Organ Donation and Procurement, Secretary General of the Transplantation Society of Pakistan, Secretary of the Nephrology Urology and Transplant Society of SAARC countries, member Ethics Committee, Asian Society of Transplantation, and member of the American Society of Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics.  In August 2022, I was invited to give TTS Masterclass on “HLA matching in living-related transplants. Is it justified?”  In August 2023, I was featured in the Member Spotlight in the ASHI newsletter.       

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