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Allocation and utilization

Tuesday September 24, 2024 - 10:40 to 12:10

Room: Çamlıca

328.a Challenges of starting a new decease transplant program in the Middle-East

Mohamed Salah Eldin Zaki, Egypt

Professor and Dean of the institute
National institute of Urology and Nephrology


Mohamed Salah Eldin Zaki, MSc.,EFN,MD. -Professor of internal medicine and nephrology. -Dean of the National Institute of Urology and nephrology. -Secretary General of the Egyptian Society of Nephrology and Transplantation (ESNT). -Secretory General of the Arab society of Nephrology and Renal Transplantation (ASNRT) -Africa Deputy Chair/Councillor of the ISN. -Scientific board member of Egyptian nephrology fellowship. -Head of the National Guidelines committee for nephrology in the Egyptian MOH. -Board member of the national committee of the non communicable disease in the Egyptian Ministry of Health. -Nephrology moderator of the higher scientific committee for combating COVID-19 in the Egyptian Ministry of health. -Vice chairman of the COVID-19 committee of the AFRAN.

Presentations by Mohamed Salah Eldin Zaki

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