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Abstract Session
Allocation and utilization

Tuesday September 24, 2024 | 10:40 to 12:10
Room: Çamlıca
Track: N/A

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Mohamed Salah Eldin Zaki, Egypt Invited Speaker
Challenges of starting a new decease transplant program in the Middle-East

Dr. Katayoun Najafizadeh, Iran Invited Speaker
Maximizing deceased organ donation in the Middle-East

Dr. Sommer Elizabeth Gentry, United States Oral
Characteristics of Recipients of Kidneys Allocated Out of Sequence (Rescue Allocation) in the United States

Michal Mankowski, United States Oral
ABO-compatible US kidney allocation with ABO-adjusted CPRA

Mrs. Helen L Bullock, United Kingdom Oral
Transforming organ allocation and utilisation with image sharing – a new digital solution

Dr. Besher Al Attar, Saudi Arabia Oral
Deceased organ donation and organ sharing a cooperation between Gulf Cooperation Council nation

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