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Truth and lies in living donation

Tuesday September 24, 2024 - 16:50 to 18:30

Room: Beylerbeyi 2

363.3 Misattributed parentage or trafficking in living donation? – to disclose or not to disclose

Ercan Avci, United States

Post-Doctoral Fellow
Duquesne University


Dr. Avci is currently a Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Grefenstette Center for Science, Technology, and Law at Duquesne University. He has an MA in Political Sciences from Hacettepe University (Turkey), an MS in Healthcare Administration from the University of New Haven (CT, USA), and a Ph.D. in Healthcare Ethics from Duquesne University (PA, USA). He worked for the Ministry of Health in Turkey as a Health Inspector for over 20 years. As an adjunct faculty, he has also taught ethics and health-related courses at different universities, including Chatham University and Carlow University. Dr. Avci has several peer-reviewed articles and book chapters on a wide range of topics in the bioethics field. Dr. Avci’s research interests lie in several sub-areas of bioethics, including ethics education, clinical ethics, public health ethics, end-of-life ethics, religious ethics, global health ethics, and AI ethics.  

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