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What's new in living donor liver transplantation

Tuesday September 24, 2024 - 10:40 to 12:10

Room: Beylerbeyi 2

324.2 Surgical tips in laparoscopic donor hepatectomy

Yi Luo, People's Republic of China

Department of liver transplantation and liver surgery
Renji Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine


Upon graduation from Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine in 2002, Dr. Luo has an over 22 years of experience performing diagnosis and surgical treatment of liver diseases. Dr. Luo has performed more than 600 cases of adult liver transplantation and 400 cases of pediatric liver transplantation, including 300 cases of living donor liver transplantation in his career. Since 2016, Dr. Luo has performed more than 1000 cases of living donor resection, including 386 cases of laparoscopic living donor liver resection. Specific interests within laparoscopic hepatectomy and liver transplantation surgery include living donor, splitting liver transplantation and orthopic liver transplantation. Research interests include primary liver cancer and Billiary Atresia treatment. Dr. Luo is currently a committee member of Shanghai Medical Association Organ Transplantation Special Branch, a committee member of Living Donor Transplantation Group of Chinese Medical Association Organ Transplantation Special Branch, a committee member of Living Donor Transplantation Group of Chinese International Exchange and Promotion Association for Medical and Healthcare , a committee member of Chinese Research Hospital Association Digital Medical Clinical Surgery Special Branch.

Presentations by Yi Luo

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