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What's new in living donor liver transplantation

Tuesday September 24, 2024 | 10:40 to 12:10
Room: Beylerbeyi 2
Track: N/A

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This session aims to present the updated surgical strategies in living donor liver transplantation. Advanced non-invasive imaging tools and surgical tips for minimally invasive donor hepatectomy will be discussed, along with strategies to overcome challenging situations in pediatric liver transplantation.


Dr. Jeong Hee Yoon, Korea
Perioperative imaging assessment of liver function, anatomy & detection of complication in living donor LT

Prof. Yi Luo, People's Republic of China
Surgical tips in laparoscopic donor hepatectomy

Prof. Yao-Ming Wu, Taiwan
Surgical tips in robot-assisted donor hepatectomy

Nam-Joon Yi, Korea
How to overcome graft size matching issue in pediatric liver transplantation

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